.hmmessage P
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Maybe i could use vtkExtractGeometry combined with vtkImplicitFunction. But i don't know how to use the latter to create an Implicit Function for my purpose. So far i have a property for every cell in the grid with its centroid value. But i cannot make it as an implicit function..<br><br><hr id="stopSpelling"><br>
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.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage
Hello all,<br><br>i want to use a clipping plane and i found that vtkImplicitPlaneWidget or vtkImplicitPlaneWidge2 should do the job.<br>The problem is that i want the clipping NOT like <a class="ecxel" href="http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkClipPolyData.html" title="clip polygonal data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data" target="_blank">vtkClipPolyData</a> which "cuts" through the cells of the dataset but like <a class="ecxel" href="http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkExtractGeometry.html" title="extract cells that lie either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function" target="_blank">vtkExtractGeometry</a>, which pulls out entire, uncut cells.<br>I tried in Paraview pipeline with Source-->Clip-->Extract cells by region which works in some way. What i want is to define whether the centroid (known) of a cell lies in so if it is in the "cut side" of the plane it is pulled out entire. Otherwise, it is not.<br>A second question does anyone know if the "Extract cells by region" function of Paraview is the <a class="ecxel" href="http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkExtractGeometry.html" title="extract cells that lie either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function" target="_blank">vtkExtractGeometry</a> class?<br><br>A Paraview screenshot: on the left is cut, on the right cells are pulled out entirely<br>http://yfrog.com/74cutorpulledoutentirelyj<br><br>                                           
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