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Hi David,<br><br>I can certainly provide an informal review of vtkLassooStencilSource and vtkROIStencilSource, but first, I'm receiving an odd error during runtime.<br><br>I'm using vtkLassooStencilSource and generating the stencil like this:<br><br> vtkSmartPointer<vtkLassooStencilSource> LassooStencil = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLassooStencilSource>::New();<br> LassooStencil->SetPoints(points);<br> LassooStencil->SetInformationInput(MTImage);<br><br> vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageBlend> blend1 = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageBlend>::New();<br> blend1->SetStencil(LassooStencil->GetOutput());<br> blend1->AddInput(MTImage);<br> blend1->AddInput(BlackImage);<br><br>I'm interfacing with 3D Slicer and can see the stencil within my image. It's also running many times faster than when I generated the stencil using vtkImplicitFunctionToStencilData. However, after several minutes, a vtkOutputWindow pops up indicating:<br><br>ERROR: In ..\..\VTK\Common\vtkMultiThreader.cxx, line 285<br>vtkMultiThreader [605C96A0]<br><br>The above message is repeated a number of times before ending with:<br><br>ERROR: In c:\sliver3-lib\vtk\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.txx, line 142<br>vtkUnsignedCharArray [605D3490]: Unable to allocate 1231041 elements of (The rest of the message is out of view of the window)<br><br>This did not occur with vtkImplicitFunctionToStencilData. Do you have any idea if this error is related to these new classes? Also, do I have to rebuild Slicer every time I modify the VTK package?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Alexis Cheng<br>Electrical Engineering<br>University of British Columbia<br>                                            </body>