Hi Dave,<br><br>Referring to your post regarding<font size="2"> vtkImageViewe2 and Window Level
<br>        </font>Url: <a href="http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/vtkImageViewe2-and-Window-Level-td2844233.html">http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/vtkImageViewe2-and-Window-Level-td2844233.html</a><br><br>We are trying to achieve window and level using vtk and wrappers for vtk in c#.net using vtkwindowsformcontrol<br>
But we are only able to achieve zoom on right click not the window and level.<br><br>Would you be able to help me out in this case<br>Thanking you in advance <br>Ritesh<br><br>