Hello,<br><br>Below I have attached some figure files:<br><br>1. act_mesh.png : this is how my actual mesh looks like.<br>2. vect_nodes.png: This is how vectors are displayed at each and every node points of the mesh<br>3. vect_10pix.png; &<br>
4. vect_15pix.png<br><br>Now, I want to implement the feature where in <br>1) user can either view vectors at every node point, or<br>2) user can view vectors on (rectangular) grid by providing x and y spacing<br><br>1st option is represented in vect_nodes.png file where vectors are displayed at each nodes.<br>
<br>and in second case, using the existing data points, a new grid is created using x and y spacing (this spacing is provided by user) and vectors are displayed at each newgrid points.<br>for example I have attached two files<br>
<br>vect_10pix.png where vectors are displayed at every 10pixels along x and y axis; &<br>vect_15pix.png where vectors are displayed at every 15pixels along x and y axis.<br><br>Is it possible to display vectors in such format in VTK? <br>
<br>Thanks<br><br>Regards<br>Rakesh Patil<br>