<div class="gmail_quote">Hi,<br><br>Recently we installed and built the latest Vtk release (version 5.6.1) at my office. Till now we have been using a pretty old version (5.2.0)<br><br>Having done that I made the appropriate changes of setting the path of the new libraries, and tried building the project that I'm working on. Some errors cropped up initially, which I took care of successfully, but then at linking time, it started showing errors, that I'm unable to take care of. (<b>note: I'm using Qt with Vtk for the development purposes at my office</b>)<br>
<br>All the errors are mainly related to <b>vtkIdType</b> <br>(<b>error:</b> undefined reference to function X of class Y, where X takes in <b>vtkIdType</b> as argument). <br><br>In every function of any vtk class, that takes <b>vtkIdType</b> as argument, I had used <b>int</b> in place of that. With the old version of vtk that I had been using, this issue was not there, but with this new version, this issue seems to persist.<br>
<br>Moreover even after changing the my argument type from <b>int</b> to <b>vtkIdType</b>, I'm unable to get rid of this issue.<br><br>I hope I've been able to explain my problem clearly. If not do let me know, where I need to clarify myself. <br>
<br>This is of extreme importance...All my development is on standby because of this.<br><br>Awaiting a positive reply soon...<br><br>Regards,<br><font color="#888888">Ray.<br>