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I build debug vtk version and i havent had this problem before. but now a partner recommend me to build it in release as well, i tried to build in release and i could not debug neither.<div>any idea,</div><div>thanks,</div><div>Alba<br><div>
<p align="center"><font color="#000000"><img height="2" src="http://graphics.hotmail.com/greypixel.gif" width="100%" vspace="9"></font></p></div><br><br><br><br>> Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 11:03:09 -0500<br>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex - debug error<br>> From: drescherjm@gmail.com<br>> To: albagarin1986@hotmail.com<br>> CC: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>> <br>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 10:49 AM, alba garin <albagarin1986@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> ><br>> > dear all,<br>> > i am trying to take the 3 components of an rgb image and convert them into an index to get a look up table for the vtkImageViewer2, but i get an debug error: (...) HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before Normal block at 0x03F02FD0. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer (...)<br>> > i define the filter like this:<br>> > vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex *imgfilter = vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex::New();<br>> > imgfilter->SetInput(_imageData);<br>> > imgfilter->SetNumberOfColors(256);<br>> > imgfilter->Update();<br>> > thanks,<br>> > Alba<br>> ><br>> <br>> Did you build and install the release vtk version and now are you<br>> trying to run the debug build?<br>> <br>> John<br></div>                                            </body>