Hi everyone <div><br></div><div>I am doing a small app that using a tracking system to interact with several actors (2 to 3) in a render window. </div><div><br></div><div>Basically what I do is to: </div><div><br></div><div>
1 - Set up a scene by placing each actor by using Actor->SetPosition() in the place I want it to be. - (Actors appear to be placed correctly once I render). </div><div>2 - The using a line I test for intersection points and if the do then I go to step 3. - (I am able to point to the objects but once my code validates the intersection its not necessarily in the in the place that I placed the actor in step 1) </div>
<div>3 - Pass a 4x4 Matrix to the actor via Actor->PokeMatrix(), this is done in a cycle. - (I am able to interact and rotate + translate the object). .</div><div>4 - Once I let the actor go, I cant "pick" it in the place I left it, I need to go back to the coordinates where I picked it in step 2. </div>
<div><br></div><div>So my question is, if I am building a a scene: </div><div><br></div><div>a) - What is the correct method to place and control an actor's location? </div><div>b) - When passing a matrix via PokeMatrix do I need to "update" the actor or make sure that all concatenations are done to be able to pick it where I left it? </div>
<div><br></div><div>Hope you can suggest some sources for review. </div><div><br>Thank you, </div><div><br>Sergio </div>