<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><font color="black" face="arial" size="2">
<div> Hi All,<br>
I construct a 3D MIP from Dicom Images. It works fine in VTK 5.4.2, But the same code gives a white box as output in VTK 5.6.1. <br>
The pipeline is as follows,<br>
vtkDICOMImageReader() // reading dicom Images<br>
vtkmyImageCast() //<br>
vtkPiecewiseFunction() // For Opacity<br>
vtkPiecewiseFunction() // For grayscale color<br>
vtkColorTransferFunction ()<br>
vtkVolume() // Construct Volume <br>
vtkPanel() // Display the volume.<br>
<div> <br>
<div style="clear: both;"><a href="javascript:void(0)" style="font: lighter 10px Verdana,Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><img src="http://presence.mail.aol.com/mailsig/?sn=kingvsk" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a> With Regards,<br>
Sathish Kumar V</div>