Hi I have some project with QT+VTK+ITK and I compile it in Visual Studio 2008. I create solution with CMake. It works fine. But I compile it and run. When I run it, I have GUI window and console window. So I have question. How to disable console window? <br>
<br>I think, that it is because of CMake, but I dont know very well. <br>I tried to used this <br><a href="http://www.qtforum.org/article/18473/tutorial-for-using-qt-with-vtk.html">http://www.qtforum.org/article/18473/tutorial-for-using-qt-with-vtk.html</a><br>
But when I tried to compile it, it gave me many errors... <br>Do you know some complete progress, how to compile it? <br>Or how to disable console window?<br><br>I dont have console window because of it get me qWarning <br>
<br>QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread<br><br>when I exit application from console window. <br>When I exit application from GUI console window freeze :(<br><br>Thank you all for help<br>