<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; ">Problem: When trying to generate streamlines for some points in a flow field<br>data, vtkStreamer::Integrate() does not return.<br>
<br>I'm trying to create streamlines on the "combq.bin" and "combxyz.bin" files<br>from VTK Data,<br>I set the streamer start location at {6.21832, -3.01398, 29.3924} (the<br>midpoint of cell 20010 of the comb data), and called Integrate(), and the<br>
function would not return.<br><br>It happens to quite a few points in the flow field, but not all of them.<br>Also, Integrate() returns fine if I set MaximumPropagationTimeto less than<br>0.3, but it wouldn't return for MaximumPropagationTime= 0.4 for this<br>
particular case.<br><br>I do notice that the streamline is approaching the edge of the flow field<br>when it integrates, but many other points return fine when the streamline<br>goes out of bound, why would this one not?<br>
<br>Is there a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?</span>