I'm currently lost on this one. I have some 3D scalar image data, and want to extract and display a 2D slice/cut from this. The origin and normal of the cutting plane are obtained externally. So I construct a vtkPlane with this information, and then apply this pipeline:<div>
<br></div><div>vtkStructuredPointsReader -> vtkCutter (with vtkPlane as the cut function) -> vtkPolyDataMapper -> vtkActor</div><div><br></div><div>However, the colors that are shown on the plane don't seem to be accurate. When I create a slice in Paraview of the same data, the colors on the plane look completely different. Is this because Paraview uses a textured plane for this? If so, how can I get this in VTK? I've looked at the vtkImageReslice, but it does not really seem to be handy when you work with an external normal and origin?</div>