Hello all,<br><br>Till last week I used vtkCosmoReader to read .cosmo files.<br>Now I try to use its parallel version,<br>and I have a few questions.<br><br>I noticed that there are more functions, like SetRL<br>and SetOverlap.<br>
I set them, should I call update() after that?<br><br>i tried to run this:<br> vtkPCosmoReader *cosmo_reader = vtkPCosmoReader::New(); <br> vtkUnstructuredGrid *cosmo_data; <br> cosmo_reader->SetRL(256.0);<br>
cosmo_reader->SetOverlap(5);<br> cosmo_reader->SetFileName(<div id=":23b">cosmo_filename);<br> cosmo_reader->Update();<br> cosmo_data = cosmo_reader->GetOutput(0);<br><br>I get bad-alloc error because of <br>
<br>if i comment this line out,<br>it will go through, but the all the fields will have values equal to zero.<br><br><br>Thank you,<br>Uliana</div>