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<DIV>I've got some 3D points.Now I want to get the minimum bounding box.</DIV>
<DIV>There is a function in actor called actor.GetBounds().</DIV>
<DIV>My Problem is:</DIV>
<DIV>it just can get AABB bounding box.What I want is an OBB bounding box.The <FONT color=#000000>cu</FONT>boid's edges are not parallel to </DIV>
<DIV>axis of coordinates.So I can get the minimum bounding box.</DIV>
<DIV>Is there any function or class can solve this problem?Get the OBB bounding box is very important for me to solve the following problem.</DIV>
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<DIV>Best wishes!</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you.</DIV>
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