<div class="gmail_quote">Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to write some code to export a set of vtkActor build in a vtkRenderer to Paraview.<br>I think there is something I don't understand for export in a compatible way to Paraview.<br>
<br>For example, I have 300 vtkActor, each vtkActor have a vtkMapper with an input of vtkCubeSource type.<br>
And all vtkActor are in the space with size, position, orientation...<br>I wish export my complete space (all vtkActor and theirs positions, size and orientation) in a file then open this file in Paraview for visualise all vtkActor in the space.<br>
<br>I found several classes for export to output VTK files but it's only for one vtkActor. For example, ".vtu" file with vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter or ".vtp" file with vtkXMLPolyDataWriter...<br>
I have no constraint with output file, only that the file must be read by Paraview.<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br><br>Any help would be appreciated.<br><br>PS: sorry for my english, if you don't understand, I will try to rewrite sentences.<br>