<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I am using vtkImageClip to clip the vtkImageData to selcet the required volume of interest (VOI).<br><br>But I am always getting the extent of the vtkImaegClip as the original one.<br><br>How can I make the vtkImageClips's output's exten to reflect the new extents.<br>
<br>For instance, after clipping the extent are from (20,60,30,70,10,30). I want it to be (0,40,0,40,0,20).<br><br>There is no method either in vtkImageChangeInformation to do this.<br><br>I tried vtkImageClip::ClipDataOn() and OFF().<br>
<br><br>I alos tried vtkImageReslice, with setOutputExtent() and the corresponding SetOutputorigin().<br><br>The results are same!<br><br>Any hints?<br><br>Thanks<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr">Jothy<br></div><br>