<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font-family:Times New Roman;}</style></head><body>So the result is "No", always the same error.<br>Yes, another information : I didn't find any file named <br> /etc/init.d/tomcat6, <br> /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/policy.d/03catalina.policy, <br> /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/policy.d/04webapps.policy<br>so I went to conf folder in my apache-tomcat-7.0.26 and added all in "catalina.policy"<br><br><br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: Tuan Ha Tran <tuan-ha.tran@insa-lyon.fr><br>To: Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain@kitware.com><br>Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org, Frederic Cervenansky <frederic.cervenansky@creatis.insa-lyon.fr><br>Sent: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:53:48 +0200 (CEST)<br>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [ParaViewWeb] compile problem with class vtkJPEGWriter and function SetInput<br><br>Thank you for your reponse.<br>As I said, I followed the tutorial in the "http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_with_system_tomcat_package"<br><pre>cd ..<br>chown -R tomcat6 paraviewweb-work<br>chgrp -R tomcat6 paraviewweb-work</pre><br>And, the right is set to tomcat (because there is an error "no user named tomcat6") (I don't know if we can use root)<br>However, I will try with root and we'll see.<br>Thank again Seb<br><br><br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain@kitware.com><br>To: Tuan Ha Tran <tuan-ha.tran@insa-lyon.fr><br>Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org, Frederic Cervenansky <frederic.cervenansky@creatis.insa-lyon.fr><br>Sent: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:31:51 +0200 (CEST)<br>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [ParaViewWeb] compile problem with class vtkJPEGWriter and function SetInput<br><br>Hi Tuan,<br><br>Those your local tomcat that run under your user has the right to<br>write in that directory ?<br><br>/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/ ?<br><br>Seb<br><br>On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Tuan Ha Tran<br> wrote:<br>> Hi Seb,<br>> I have another thing to ask you (I'm sorry if this question is already<br>> asked, but I found my problem different)<br>> I use super build to build ParaViewWeb with all the settings by default.<br>> It's done.<br>><br>> Next :<br>> - I downloaded the apache-tomcat-7.0.26<br>> - Copied all the *.war generated by the SuperBuild into tomcat7.0.26's<br>> webapps folder<br>> - Copied pw-config.properties into apache-tomcat-7.0.26/lib<br>><br>> To run PWApps,<br>> - I started JMS broker d4apache Activemq, the latest version is 5.5.1<br>> (./activemq-admin start)<br>> - I started server Tomcat (./catalina.sh start)<br>><br>> Result: when I tried to open a session in PWApps @<br>> http://localhost:8080/PWApp/<br>> the error appeared : An error occured during the loading.<br>> org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection<br>><br>><br>> It's absolutely a problem with hibernate, the connection with the<br>> database. But I don't quite understand how to fix this.<br>> Do we have to modify pw-config.properties? What do we have to do?<br>><br>> About the working directory, I followed the tutorial @<br>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_with_system_tomcat_package.<br>> Thank you for your help.<br>><br>><br>> ********************************************************************<br>> ***************** pw-config.properties **********************************<br>> ********************************************************************<br>><br>> # Directory used to store application files<br>> pw.working.directory=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/<br>><br>> # Logging level that should be used [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]<br>> pw.logging.level=ERROR<br>><br>> # Do we enable logging [on, off, yes, no]<br>> paraview.logging=OFF<br>> pw.logging=ON<br>><br>> # Inactivity timeout for garbage collecting PWServer applications<br>> # time is given in minute<br>> pw.garbage.collector.timeout=5<br>><br>> # Administration page user credentials<br>> pw.admin.login=admin<br>> pw.admin.password=admin<br>><br>> # Total number of resources available<br>> pw.max.resources=5<br>><br>> # PWServer executable path settings<br>> pw.executable.path.default=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/bin/PWServer.sh<br>> #<br>> pw.executable.path.parallel=/home/thtran/projects/ParaViewWeb/install-pw/bin/PWServer<br>> # pw.executable.path.manta=/home/seb/tmp/ParaWeb-work/exec/manta.sh<br>><br>> # pvserver executable path settings<br>> # pvserver.executable.path.demo=/home/seb/tmp/ParaWeb-work/exec/demo.sh<br>><br>> # Plugin directory settings<br>> pw.plugins.default=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/plugins<br>> # pw.plugins.parallel=/usr/local/PVW/PWSer_WD/plugins<br>> # pw.plugins.manta=/usr/local/PVW/PWSer_WD/plugins<br>><br>> # Resource consumption definition<br>> pw.resource.consumption.default=1<br>> # pw.resource.consumption.parallel=4<br>> # pw.resource.consumption.manta=2<br>><br>> # Optional thirdpart properties<br>> pw.gwt-app.data=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/data<br>> pw.gwt-app.states=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/states<br>> # pw.gwt-app.webgl=/usr/local/PVW/PWSer_WD/webgl<br>> pw.gwt-app.confs=default<br>> # Optional PWApp upload properties<br>> # - size in MegaBytes<br>> # - timeout in minute<br>> # - types provides the set of extension allowed<br>> pw.gwt-app.upload.size=10<br>> pw.gwt-app.upload.timeout=2<br>> pw.gwt-app.upload.types=vtp:vtk<br>><br>> # Remote server command line<br>> # * Tomcat will call any script in the following directory and will execute<br>> the<br>> # following command line where portnumber is an available portnumber:<br>> # > fullScriptPath username password<br>> # * Documentation on How to start a pvserver<br>> # - http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/Setting_up_a_ParaView_Server<br>> # pw.remote.settings=/usr/local/PVW/PWSer_WD/remote-settings<br>><br>> pw.remote.log.dir=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/logs<br>><br>> # Optional PWStateApp working directory<br>> pw.state.working.directory=/var/lib/tomcat6/paraviewweb-work/states-workdir<br>><br>> ***********************************************************<br>> ************ end of pw-config.properties*************************<br>> ***********************************************************<br>><br>><br>> ----- Original Message -----<br>> From: Sebastien Jourdain <br>> To: Tuan Ha Tran <br>> Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>> Sent: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 19:33:40 +0200 (CEST)<br>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [ParaViewWeb] compile problem with class<br>> vtkJPEGWriter and function SetInput<br>><br>> You should use ParaView 3.14.<br>><br>> I'm sure you are doing something wrong that I'm not aware of, because<br>> I'm using ParaViewWeb with ParaView 3.14 myself. So if I managed to<br>> build it, you should too, unless we are doing something different.<br>><br>> What did you do with the SuperBuild ? Did it manage to fetch ParaView<br>> and ParaViewWeb and start building those as well as their dependency<br>> like apr ?<br>><br>> Seb<br>><br>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Tuan Ha Tran wrote:<br>>> Hi,<br>>> I tried your solution with SuperBuild but the problem still exist.<br>>> I wonder if I should reuse ParaView 3.10.1?<br>>><br>>> Thank you Seb<br>>><br>>> ----- Original Message -----<br>>> From: "Sebastien Jourdain"<br>>> To: "Tuan Ha Tran"<br>>> Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>>> Sent: Friday, April 6, 2012 4:53:43 PM<br>>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [ParaViewWeb] compile problem with class<br>>> vtkJPEGWriter and function SetInput<br>>><br>>> Hi Tuan Ha Tran,<br>>><br>>> The documentation was written when ParaView 3.10 was out and that<br>>> version was lacking some fixed that were on git/master at that time<br>>> but I should definitely update the documentation to recommend to use<br>>> ParaView 3.14 and not git/master.<br>>> In fact, two weeks ago the latest changes in VTK that breaks its<br>>> backward compatibility went into ParaView and for which I didn't get<br>>> the time to update ParaViewWeb.<br>>><br>>> Regarding your ParaView build issue, I'm wondering what you did... But<br>>> anyway, if you want to ease the build process, you should definitely<br>>> try to use the SuperBuild package so every third party get<br>>> automatically compiled for you with the correct arguments and options.<br>>><br>>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_SuperBuild<br>>><br>>> Seb<br>>><br>>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Tuan Ha Tran wrote:<br>>>> Seb,<br>>>> Thank you for your reply. I just followed the instructions in the<br>>>> ParaViewWeb site.<br>>>> - Mkdir ParaViewWeb<br>>>> - Clone git from it address<br>>>><br>>>> I used the Ccmake command (in build-pw) for the source in the ParaViewWeb<br>>>> directory (build-pw is a sub-directory of ParaViewWeb). I compiled and then<br>>>> the errors.<br>>>> I used the latest release (3.14) of ParaView.<br>>>><br>>>> there was a problem with ParaView, it is the problem of share library.<br>>>> but I resolved this by adding -fPIC in the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, I don't know<br>>>> if that is the problem.<br>>>><br>>>> so, the vtkJPEGWriter is in the ParaView folder?<br>>>><br>>>> Thank you once more.<br>>>><br>>>> ----- Original Message -----<br>>>> From: "Sebastien Jourdain"<br>>>> To: "Tuan Ha Tran"<br>>>> Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>>>> Sent: Friday, April 6, 2012 3:11:17 PM<br>>>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [ParaViewWeb] compile problem with class<br>>>> vtkJPEGWriter and function SetInput<br>>>><br>>>> Hi Tuan Ha Tran,<br>>>><br>>>> how did you build ParaViewWeb ? Did you do from the super build or<br>>>> from the main repository ?<br>>>> ParaViewWeb basically rely on ParaView that embed VTK which embed that<br>>>> vtkJPEGWriter.cxx<br>>>> Which version of ParaView did you used ? The latest release (3.14) is<br>>>> known to work...<br>>>><br>>>> Seb<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Tuan Ha Tran wrote:<br>>>>> Hi everybody,<br>>>>> I have a problem when trying to compile ParaViewWeb<br>>>>> This is the detail of my problem<br>>>>><br>>>>> ***********************************************************************<br>>>>> %] Built target ParaWebPlugin<br>>>>> Scanning dependencies of target PWServer<br>>>>> [ 30%] Building CXX object<br>>>>> ParaViewAdapter/CMakeFiles/PWServer.dir/vtkPWProcessingEngine.cxx.o<br>>>>><br>>>>> /home/thtran/projects/ParaViewWeb/ParaViewAdapter/vtkPWProcessingEngine.cxx:<br>>>>> In member function ‘double vtkPWProcessingEngine::ProcessAndSendImage(const<br>>>>> char*, vtkImageData*)’:<br>>>>><br>>>>> /home/thtran/projects/ParaViewWeb/ParaViewAdapter/vtkPWProcessingEngine.cxx:439:19:<br>>>>> error: ‘class vtkJPEGWriter’ has no member named ‘SetInput’<br>>>>><br>>>>> /home/thtran/projects/ParaViewWeb/ParaViewAdapter/vtkPWProcessingEngine.cxx:448:18:<br>>>>> error: ‘class vtkPNGWriter’ has no member named ‘SetInput’<br>>>>> make[2]: ***<br>>>>> [ParaViewAdapter/CMakeFiles/PWServer.dir/vtkPWProcessingEngine.cxx.o] Error<br>>>>> 1<br>>>>> make[1]: *** [ParaViewAdapter/CMakeFiles/PWServer.dir/all] Error 2<br>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2<br>>>>><br>>>>> *************************************************************************<br>>>>><br>>>>> When I went to the "wtkPWProcesingEngine.cxx", I found out that<br>>>>> wtkJPEGWriter is included by #include vtkJPEGWriter.h". But I couldn't find<br>>>>> wtkJPEGWriter.h neither vtkJPEGWriter.cxx.<br>>>>><br>>>>> When I tried to look for vtkJPEGWriter.cxx by Google, I found this file<br>>>>> but I couldn't find any function "SetInput".<br>>>>><br>>>>> When I tried to deactivate the line where SetInput is located,<br>>>>> ParaViewWeb compile, but I think there are some problems with it.<br>>>>><br>>>>> I want to know if someone has the same problem? How to fix that?<br>>>>> Thank you all.<br>>>>><br>>>>> Ha<br>>>>><br>>>>><br>>>>><br>>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>>> Powered by www.kitware.com<br>>>>><br>>>>> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at<br>>>>> http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html<br>>>>><br>>>>> Please keep messages on-topic and check the VTK FAQ at:<br>>>>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_FAQ<br>>>>><br>>>>> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<br>>>>> http://www.vtk.org/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers<br>><br><br></body></html>