Hi - <br><br>Trying to use an old VTK script in TCL that contains the lines<br><br>vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter smooth<br> smooth SetInput [isosurface GetOutput]<br> smooth SetNumberOfIterations 5<br><br>vtkTriangleFilter triangulate<br>
triangulate SetInput [smooth GetOutput]<br><br>vtkDecimate reduce<br> reduce SetInput [triangulate GetOutput]<br> reduce SetTargetReduction 400<br> reduce SetMaximumNumberOfSquawks 400<br><br>vtkPolyDataMapper IsoMapper<br>
BrainIsoMapper SetInput [reduce GetOutput]<br><br>When I run the script it says <br><br>$ vtk SurfaceTrans.tcl<br>Error in startup script: invalid command name "vtkDecimate"<br> while executing<br>"vtkDecimate reduce"<br>
(file "SurfaceTrans.tcl" line 42)<br><br>Not sure why vtkDecimate does not work? Anyway I found that replacing vtkDecimate by vtkDecimatePro does run (need to comment out the SetMaximumNumberOfSquawks line), but now there is no isosurface on my screen any more (all blank)!<br>
<br>Am I making a simple beginners' mistake here? Are more options needed for vtkDecimatePro? And should vtkDecimate not work in (the Ubuntu version of) VTK v5.8.0-5?<br><br>Thanks for your help,<br>Alle Meije Wink<br>