Hello!<br><br>I'm trying since a few days to display a 3D image in a JFrame. I build this image from bmp 2D files thanks to a vtkBMPReader.<br>I actually am using vtk 5.08 with java 6.32 on windows 7 32 bits.<br>The code below takes place in the constructor of a JFrame sublclass :<br>
<br> reader = new vtkBMPReader();<br> render = new vtkRenderer();<br> <br> // we open the pictures and we theorically create a 3D picture<br> reader.SetFileNames(paths);<br> reader.Update();<br>
<br> // we put it in a mapper<br> vtkPolyDataMapper mapper = new vtkPolyDataMapper();<br> mapper.SetInputConnection(<div id=":10">reader.GetOutputPort());<br> <br> // and we put the mapper in an actor<br>
vtkActor actor = new vtkActor();<br> actor.SetMapper(mapper);<br> <br> // finally, we put the actor in a renderer<br> render.AddActor(actor);<br><br> vtkRenderWindow renderW = new vtkRenderWindow();<br>
renderW.AddRenderer(render);<br> vtkRenderWindowPanel panel = new vtkRenderWindowPanel(renderW);<br><br>// I'm doing this because the code below don't work neither<br>// panel.GetRenderer().AddActor(sphereActor);<br>
<br> add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);<br><br> setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);<br> pack();<br> setVisible(true);<br><br>at
the end, I want to display the 3D image in the JFrame, but all I get is
a crash from a dll. I think I'm not using the objects the right way,
but there is few documentation on java binding (and particularly on the
The code in this example works fine : <a href="http://julian-ibarz.developpez.com/tutoriels/jeux/introduction-VTK/#LII-E" target="_blank">http://julian-ibarz.developpez.com/tutoriels/jeux/introduction-VTK/#LII-E</a><br><br>
Thank you for your help! I can send you my source files or the log of the errors if you want.<br><br></div>