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I'm trying to use the possiblity of the vtkCompositePipeline in
order to use multiple core to process data.<br>
As far as i understand, i need to cut my data into seperate piece to
fill a vtkMultiBlockDataSet and then all filter, even not
composite/multiblock aware filter whould work fine with it.<br>
But i've tried to put a vtkMultiBlockDataSet into a
vtkOutlineFilter, but i got <br>
vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline (0x181e5e0): Input for connection
index 0 on input port index 0 for algorithm
vtkOutlineFilter(0x181cc30) is of type vtkMultiBlockDataSet, but a
vtkDataSet is required.<br>
Any idea, example, toturial shwoing how to use this
vtkCompositePipeline? Only the filter listed <a
will work with vtkMuliBlockDataSet? Do the use of
vtkCompositeDataPipeline will allow parallelism in my software?<br>