Hi All,
I have custom dicom reader and a method to convert it into vtkImageData*.
thus I got vtkImageData* imageData = MyFunctionToGetImageData();
and when I try to set this data
vtkImageExport* vtkExporter = vtkImageExport::New();
vtkExporter->SetInput(imageData );
Application crashes in vtkAlgorithm.cxx
int vtkAlgorithm::HasExecutive()
return this->Executive ? 1 : 0;
where "this" is a null pointer.
Can you guys please tell me what am I missing.
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View this message in context: <a href="http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/Application-Crash-in-vtkAlgorithm-cxx-tp5717093.html">Application Crash in vtkAlgorithm.cxx</a><br/>
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