Hi all,<br><br>I've been trying to use vtkImageReslice to display a 3D image volume as image slice. Here is what I did:<br><br> vtkImageReslice* reslice = vtkImageReslice::New();<br> reslice->SetInput( image_data );<br>
reslice->BorderOn();<br> reslice->AutoCropOutputOn();<br><br> // This sets us to extract slices.<br> reslice->SetOutputDimensionality( 2 );<br><br> // This will change depending what orienation we're in.<br>
reslice->SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines( 1, 0, 0,<br> 0, 1, 0,<br> 0, 0, 1 );<br><br> // Image to colors using color table.<br> vtkImageMapToColors* colormap = vtkImageMapToColors::New();<br> colormap->SetLookupTable( some_lookup_table );<br>
colormap->SetInputConnection( reslice->GetOutputPort() );<br><br> vtkImageActor* actor = vtkImageActor::New();<br> actor->SetInput( colormap->GetOutput() );<br><br>Everything appears to be fine until I applied it on a single slice volume. For example, if the input volume has dimension of 128x128x1. I would expect it show a thin line on X or Y plane with dimension of 128x1. However, I see nothing! If I use a volume of 128x128x2, I only see 1 line of pixels on X or Y plane, where I expect to see 2 lines (128 x 2). Did I do anything wrong? Why does it look like that 1 slice of the data is missing?<br>
<br>Thank you!<br>RP<br>