<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi all,<br><br></div>currently i've remarked a strange behavior representing boundaries in meshes with python-vtk (5.8.0-15) on Debian Jessie.<br><br>I'm using classic VTK files (non XML files) to store mesh connectivities and element references (with constant fields). This files are the result of a conversion from other FE mesh formats, where we ensure the positive jacobian in every tetrahedral element in order to have a good element and face orientation.<br>
<br>I never have problems with the visualization of face references, correctly oriented, except with this version.<br><br>Is there some known issue about that?<br><br>I attach the mesh and a picture showing the result with this version where you can see 2 triangles (faces), one well oriented and the other with a wrong orientation. <br>