MantisBT - VTK
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0012151VTK(No Category)public2011-05-04 07:082015-10-21 20:33
Takuya OSHIMA 
Andy Bauer 
0012151: vtkTempralInterpolator crashes if an array is not present at the next timestep
vtkTemporalInterpolator crashes when an array that exists in the previous timestep is not present in the next timestep.
Try following with the ParaView git master using the attached damBreakFineTemporal.tar.gz. The dataset has two timesteps of 0 and 0.05 and contains array only in time 0.

Open damBreakFineTemporal.foam.
Set Case Type to Decomposed Case.
Filters->Alphabetical->Temporal Interpolator.
Set Discrete Time Step Interval to 0.005.
Click Next Frame.
Attaching a proposed parch shortly.
diff vtkTemporalInterpolator.cxx.diff (3,563) 2011-05-04 07:08
gz damBreakFineTemporal.tar.gz (671,651) 2012-06-14 19:59
Issue History
2011-05-04 07:08Takuya OSHIMANew Issue
2011-05-04 07:08Takuya OSHIMAFile Added: vtkTemporalInterpolator.cxx.diff
2011-05-04 07:11Takuya OSHIMANote Added: 0026428
2011-06-16 13:12Zack GalbreathCategoryDevelopment => (No Category)
2012-06-14 11:29Leo LiuNote Added: 0028695
2012-06-14 19:59Takuya OSHIMAFile Added: damBreakFineTemporal.tar.gz
2012-06-14 21:14Takuya OSHIMANote Added: 0028698
2013-12-16 12:41Dave DeMarleNote Added: 0031944
2014-10-01 20:12Berk GeveciTag Attached: hackaton
2014-10-02 14:50Andy BauerAssigned To => Andy Bauer
2014-10-02 14:50Andy BauerStatusbacklog => active development
2015-10-21 14:31Andy BauerNote Added: 0035356
2015-10-21 20:32Andy BauerNote Added: 0035375
2015-10-21 20:32Andy BauerStatusactive development => gerrit review
2015-10-21 20:33Andy BauerStatusgerrit review => closed
2015-10-21 20:33Andy BauerResolutionopen => fixed

Takuya OSHIMA   
2011-05-04 07:11   
Attached the proposed patch. The patch also fixes a problem where error message "Interpolation aborted for array ??? because the number of tuples/components in each time step are different" is displayed but in fact the interpolation is not aborted when the array inconsistency is present.
Leo Liu   
2012-06-14 11:29   
Please attach the file damBreakFineTemporal.tar.gz
Takuya OSHIMA   
2012-06-14 21:14   
Dave DeMarle   
2013-12-16 12:41   
Takuya, I tried to apply and push to gerrit but there has been too much drift since you sent it for me to trivially apply your work. Do you have time to reformat against master and, if possible, submit through gerrit?
Andy Bauer   
2015-10-21 14:31   
Potential fix at [^]
Andy Bauer   
2015-10-21 20:32   
VTK fix in gitlab at [^]