MantisBT - ParaView
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0013100ParaView(No Category)public2012-04-16 07:092015-01-11 08:36
Menno Deij 
Utkarsh Ayachit 
highminorhave not tried
13100_cgns_fixes, 13393_fix_gmv_reader_build_issue
incorrect functionality
0013100: Adapt Visit CGNS file reader to use CGNS 3.x
The changes required to the CGNS reader to support CGNS 3.x are very small. For 32-bit builds there is no need to change anything as cgsize_t maps to int on 32-bit platform. For 64-bit builds the cgsize_t type needs to replace int at a couple of places. After that it works.

See the attached diffs that were made with the 3.10.1 source tree. I'll send the diffs to VisIt too, but beware that on avtCGNSFileFormat.C:1077 there is a difference between the VisIt source code and the ParaView source due to a bug in the VisIt code that was fixed in ParaView (see also [^])
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0012854closed Utkarsh Ayachit compiling with cgns support fails due to compile time bugs 
zip (19,368) 2012-04-16 07:09
Issue History
2012-04-16 07:09Menno DeijNew Issue
2012-04-16 07:09Menno DeijFile Added:
2012-04-16 09:00Utkarsh AyachitProjectTBD => Sandia
2012-04-16 09:00Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version => 4.0
2012-08-27 09:00Utkarsh AyachitAssigned To => Utkarsh Ayachit
2012-08-27 09:04Utkarsh AyachitRelationship addedrelated to 0012854
2012-08-27 10:52Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0029075
2012-08-27 10:53Utkarsh AyachitNote Edited: 0029075bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=29075#r471
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitTopic Name => 13100_cgns_fixes, 13393_fix_gmv_reader_build_issue
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0029076
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitStatusbacklog => gatekeeper review
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Version => git-next
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitResolutionopen => fixed
2012-08-27 12:06Utkarsh AyachitRelationship replacedhas duplicate 0012854
2012-09-03 13:30Utkarsh AyachitStatusgatekeeper review => customer review
2012-09-03 13:30Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0029107
2012-10-06 07:03Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Versiongit-next => git-master
2012-10-10 21:34Alan ScottNote Added: 0029357
2012-10-10 21:34Alan ScottStatuscustomer review => closed
2012-10-29 17:04Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Versiongit-master => 3.98.0
2015-01-11 08:36Utkarsh AyachitSource_changeset_attached => ParaView master 70d70945

Utkarsh Ayachit   
2012-08-27 10:52   
(edited on: 2012-08-27 10:53)
Thanks for the fix and thanks for being thorough!

Utkarsh Ayachit   
2012-08-27 12:06   
commit 70d709456e6a4789667951d1a401aee349619649
Author: Utkarsh Ayachit <>
Date: Mon Aug 27 12:02:10 2012 -0400

    BUG 0013100. Bring in fix for CGNS version >= 3.0
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2012-09-03 13:30   
merged into master, if applicable.
Alan Scott   
2012-10-10 21:34   
Tested with a dataset named dlr-f6.coar.cgns.

Linux, local server, master.