MantisBT - VTK
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0013699VTK(No Category)public2012-12-04 08:392012-12-04 09:41
Samuel John 
David Gobbi 
highminorhave not tried
incorrect functionality
0013699: Bug in Wrapping/Python/
Handling of options is in Wrapping/Python/ is buggy.

In line 38 of Wrapping/Python/ in Vtk 5.10, there is `options[option] = 1` to handle command line options that do not contain a "=".
However, "option" is not set or set to the value from the previous command arg if an ValueError in the `option, value = string.split(arg,"=")` operation is raised.

The line 38 should contain `options[arg] = 1` because `arg` is the right thing here.

To see the bug call `python Wrapping/Python/ purelib --prefix=/homebrew/Cellar/vtk/5.10.0 --single-version-externally-managed`. You'll find that `options['--prefix']==1`.
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Issue History
2012-12-04 08:39Samuel JohnNew Issue
2012-12-04 09:10David GobbiAssigned To => David Gobbi
2012-12-04 09:10David GobbiStatusbacklog => tabled
2012-12-04 09:17David GobbiNote Added: 0029829
2012-12-04 09:21Samuel JohnNote Added: 0029830
2012-12-04 09:41David GobbiStatustabled => closed
2012-12-04 09:41David GobbiResolutionopen => fixed

David Gobbi   
2012-12-04 09:17   
This issue was fixed in the master branch on May 30, 2012 (commit dd5762a4). Unfortunately it was not backported to VTK 5.10.
Samuel John   
2012-12-04 09:21   
Ok, no worries, I made a small patch for the vtk formula in homebrew. We can just wait for the next version but perhaps others may run into this bug, too.