MantisBT - VTK
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0015859VTK(No Category)public2015-12-01 13:542015-12-03 09:12
David C. Lonie 
David C. Lonie 
normalminorhave not tried
incorrect functionality
0015859: Single character mathtext treated as regular text
Rendering a string such as "$x$" via the default vtkTextRenderer with mathtext enabled will pass the string through vtkFreeTypeTools instead of vtkMathTextUtilities. This looks like a regex bug in the parsers.

A work around is to add whitespace between the $$ (e.g. "$x $"). The extra space is ignored by the mathtext renderer but triggers the mathtext detection.
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Issue History
2015-12-01 13:54David C. LonieNew Issue
2015-12-02 13:06David C. LonieAssigned To => David C. Lonie
2015-12-02 13:06David C. LonieStatusbacklog => active development
2015-12-02 13:06David C. LonieNote Added: 0035513
2015-12-02 13:06David C. LonieStatusactive development => gerrit review
2015-12-03 09:12David C. LonieNote Added: 0035514
2015-12-03 09:12David C. LonieStatusgerrit review => closed
2015-12-03 09:12David C. LonieResolutionopen => fixed

David C. Lonie   
2015-12-02 13:06 [^]
David C. Lonie   
2015-12-03 09:12   
Merged in master, 67ac5569