MantisBT - VTK
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0016065VTK(No Category)public2016-04-08 05:462016-07-06 10:42
Stefano Borini 
Will Schroeder 
normalminorhave not tried
closednot fixable 
0016065: vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter::RequestData enters infinite loop for specific dataset
Reference issue on mayavi: [^]

The problem is that the following data

[-2.0, 4.7, 4.1]
[ 23.9, 27.4, nan]
[ 28.2, 26.6, nan]

produce an infinite loop in the following part of the BandedPolyDataContourFilter

 for ( mR=idx, intersectionPoint=0; !intersectionPoint; )
        mR = (mR + 1) % numFullPts;
        if ( isContourValue[mR] && s[mR] != s[idx] ) intersectionPoint = 1;

Both the negative value and the nans are necessary to trigger the infinite loop.

Present also in vtk 7.1
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Issue History
2016-04-08 05:46Stefano BoriniNew Issue
2016-07-06 10:39Will SchroederAssigned To => Will Schroeder
2016-07-06 10:41Will SchroederNote Added: 0036165
2016-07-06 10:42Will SchroederStatusbacklog => closed
2016-07-06 10:42Will SchroederResolutionopen => not fixable

Will Schroeder   
2016-07-06 10:41   
The presence of NaN means that the data is undefined and cannot be processed.

To fix this a separate filter would have to be written to throw out bad data (another variant of clean poly data in other words).