MantisBT - VTK
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0004501VTK(No Category)public2007-02-26 15:102016-08-12 09:54
Mathieu Coursolle 
Dave DeMarle 
0004501: vtkTextActor does not allow any encoding, only supports plain ASCII.
Currently, vtkFreeTypeUtilities is used to render text from a vtkTextActor. The string is parsed character by character using a char*. It only supports plain ASCII as it does not allow to use multiple bytes encoding. Therefore, it is not possible to display some french or other europeen characters such as accents.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2010-09-09 10:04Sean McBrideNote Added: 0022161
2010-09-09 10:04Sean McBrideAssigned ToWill Schroeder =>
2010-12-12 22:00Source_changeset_attached => VTK master 289970f9
2010-12-12 22:00David PartykaSource_changeset_attached => VTK master d2eead14
2010-12-15 11:54tomaszNote Added: 0024167
2011-01-13 17:00Source_changeset_attached => VTK master a2bd8391
2011-01-13 17:00Source_changeset_attached => VTK master 020ef709
2011-06-16 13:11Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)
2013-07-22 19:24Dave DeMarleNote Added: 0031227
2013-07-22 19:24Dave DeMarleStatusbacklog => expired
2013-07-22 19:24Dave DeMarleAssigned To => Dave DeMarle
2016-08-12 09:54Kitware RobotNote Added: 0036904
2016-08-12 09:54Kitware RobotStatusexpired => closed
2016-08-12 09:54Kitware RobotResolutionopen => moved

Sean McBride   
2007-02-26 15:23   
Until this is properly fixed I have added the warning "Only 7-bit ASCII is allowed (anything else, such as Latin1 or UTF8, is not acceptable)." to the header docs in vtkTextActor.h.

/cvsroot/VTK/VTK/Rendering/vtkTextActor.h,v <-- vtkTextActor.h
new revision: 1.15; previous revision: 1.14
Sean McBride   
2010-09-09 10:04   
This commit made some progress on this issue:;a=commit;h=331a44656276882766248c1f8e338434b40226ef [^]

author Marco Nolden <>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 14:13:18 +0000 (16:13 +0200)
committer Marcus D. Hanwell <>
Wed, 7 Jul 2010 14:33:06 +0000 (10:33 -0400)
commit 331a44656276882766248c1f8e338434b40226ef
tree 0fd76b541d8ae1ed8b879227fd023118d4201bf8 tree | snapshot
parent b5510d3eb9aff91706820b59516f741698dfa9f7
2010-12-15 11:54   
The documentation is also in error by "This class ... acts as a convenient wrapper for a vtkTextMapper/vtkActor2D pair"
It is completely different from vtkTextMapper.
Dave DeMarle   
2013-07-22 19:24   
If the bug persists in 6.0.0, please reopen.
Kitware Robot   
2016-08-12 09:54   
Resolving issue as `moved`.

This issue tracker is no longer used. Further discussion of this issue may take place in the current VTK Issues page linked in the banner at the top of this page.