MantisBT - VTK
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0007536VTK(No Category)public2008-08-25 05:512012-12-12 12:15
Peter Wainwright 
David Gobbi 
0007536: Picking a vtkImageActor does not work properly
This is done in vtkPicker::Pick by constructing a ray in data space and seeing whether it intersects the plane of the image within the bounding rectangle.

The algorithm for the point of intersection is wrong. Having obtained the parameter t (the relative position of the intersection along the ray), the subsequent calculation uses (t) in place of (1.0-t) and vice versa.

Also, the calculation of t uses p2World[i] where as far as I can tell it should have p2Mapper[i].

I have attached a patch for these issues.
No tags attached.
patch VTK-20080821-pick.patch (1,784) 2008-08-25 05:51
Issue History
2008-08-25 05:51Peter WainwrightNew Issue
2008-08-25 05:51Peter WainwrightFile Added: VTK-20080821-pick.patch
2011-04-16 19:18David GobbiAssigned To => David Gobbi
2011-04-16 19:18David GobbiStatusbacklog => tabled
2011-04-16 19:19David GobbiNote Added: 0026199
2011-04-16 19:19David GobbiStatustabled => @80@
2011-04-16 19:19David GobbiResolutionopen => fixed
2011-06-16 13:11Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)
2012-12-12 12:15David GobbiStatuscustomer review => closed
2012-12-12 12:15David GobbiFixed in Version => 5.8.0

David Gobbi   
2011-04-16 19:19   
This issue was fixed on Nov 18, 2009.
commit 2533aba8c3458e8a1ace0d1ff2b8c51fa0ef5556