File list

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
17:02, 10 August 2004 Wincvs-checkout.png (file) 6 KB Aurelien Screenshot of WinCVS checkout setting dialog box 1
17:03, 10 August 2004 Wincvs-login.png (file) 7 KB Aurelien Screenshot of WinCVS login settings dialog box 1
17:04, 10 August 2004 Wincvs-password.png (file) 3 KB Aurelien Screenshot of WinCVS password authentification dialog box 1
17:24, 10 August 2004 Wincvs-login-vtkdata.png (file) 7 KB Aurelien WinCVS login settings dialog box for VTKData 1
17:24, 10 August 2004 Wincvs-checkout-vtkdata.png (file) 6 KB Aurelien WinCVS checkout settings dialog box for VTKData 1
19:56, 11 August 2004 VTK-File-Formats.pdf (file) 250 KB Andy VTK File Formats 1
19:57, 11 August 2004 Pipeline.pdf (file) 85 KB Andyisaweasle   1
08:28, 6 October 2004 Wordfile.jpg (file) 3 KB Bernhard   1
18:17, 12 October 2004 CMakeKDevelop3GeneratorScreendump.png (file) 59 KB Andy CMake KDevelop 3 Generator Screendump 1
15:26, 29 November 2004 VtkOpenGLExtensionManager Overview.pdf (file) 38 KB Wschroed OpenGL Extension Manager 1
15:30, 29 November 2004 VtkPainter Overview.pdf (file) 75 KB Wschroed Description of vtkPolyDataMapper replacement 1
22:11, 29 November 2004 VtkHWShaders.pdf (file) 213 KB Gjtempl Description of proposed changes for adding Hardware Shaders 3
16:45, 4 February 2005 NIH Director Memo On Open Access Policy.pdf (file) 139 KB Ibanez Memo from NIH director regardin open access 1
22:52, 4 February 2005 Penguin.gif (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
7 KB Andy Penguin 1
22:57, 4 February 2005 KwGridWarningIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
391 bytes Barre Fix transparency by switching to 8 bits 2
22:58, 4 February 2005 KwGridInfoIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
379 bytes Barre Fix transparency by switching to 8 bits 2
22:58, 4 February 2005 KwGridHelpIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
323 bytes Barre Fix transparency by switching to 8 bits 2
05:46, 5 February 2005 KwGridPadlockIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
279 bytes Barre kwGrid padlock icon for box template 1
05:46, 5 February 2005 KwGridPadlock.jpg (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
9 KB Barre kwGrid padlock image 1
19:49, 8 February 2005 KwGridWrenchIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
366 bytes Barre kwGrid wrench icon 1
18:18, 9 February 2005 KwGridMailToIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
252 bytes Barre Mailto icon 1
18:30, 9 February 2005 KwGridANLLogo.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
3 KB Barre ANL logo 1
18:31, 9 February 2005 KwGridCVSLogo.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre CVS logo 1
18:31, 9 February 2005 KwGridOSULogo.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
6 KB Barre OSU logo 1
18:37, 9 February 2005 KwGridKitwareLogo.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
4 KB Barre Kitware logo (smaller) 2
00:53, 10 February 2005 KwGridAnnouncementsNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Announcement 1
00:54, 10 February 2005 KwGridDescriptionNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Description 1
00:54, 10 February 2005 KwGridDocumentationNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Documentation 1
00:55, 10 February 2005 KwGridDownloadNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Download 1
00:56, 10 February 2005 KwGridInfrastructureNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Infrastructure 1
01:04, 10 February 2005 KwGridLinksNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Links 1
01:04, 10 February 2005 KwGridPartnersNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
3 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Partners 1
01:04, 10 February 2005 KwGridPrivateNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Private 1
01:04, 10 February 2005 KwGridStatisticsNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Statistics 1
01:05, 10 February 2005 KwGridStatusNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Status 1
01:05, 10 February 2005 KwGridSuggestionsNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Suggestions 1
01:05, 10 February 2005 KwGridTeamNavIcon.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
2 KB Barre kwGrid Nav Icon: Team 1
15:11, 15 February 2005 Sc finish password.png (file) 8 KB Andy Scheduler: Finish Password 1
15:11, 15 February 2005 Sc new task exists.png (file) 3 KB Andy Scheduler: New Task Exists 1
15:11, 15 February 2005 Sc open advanced settings.png (file) 32 KB Andy Scheduler: Open Advanced 1
15:12, 15 February 2005 Sc proper command line.png (file) 8 KB Andy Scheduler: Proper Command 1
15:12, 15 February 2005 Sc select browse.png (file) 35 KB Andy Scheduler: Select Browse 1
15:12, 15 February 2005 Sc set time.png (file) 32 KB Andy Scheduler: Set Time 1
15:12, 15 February 2005 Sc specified name and repetition.png (file) 31 KB Andy Scheduler: Specify Name and Repetition 1
15:12, 15 February 2005 Sc specify command.png (file) 14 KB Andy Scheduler: Specify Command 1
15:13, 15 February 2005 Sc start new scheduled task.png (file) 32 KB Andy Scheduler: Start New Scheduled Task 1
15:13, 15 February 2005 Sc task created.png (file) 7 KB Andy Scheduler: Task Created 1
15:13, 15 February 2005 Sc task scheduler.png (file) 16 KB Andy Scheduler: Task Scheduler 1
15:13, 15 February 2005 Sc type password.png (file) 32 KB Andy Scheduler: Type Password 1
21:58, 21 March 2005 NAMIC-Logo.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
3 KB Andy Namic logo 1
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