Proposals:Refactoring Statistics Framework 2007 Class Manifesto
From KitwarePublic
Statistics Class Manifesto
Summary Table
They are categorized in the following table
Conceptual Class | Number |
Measurement Containers | 8 |
Frequency Containers | 2 |
Process Objects | 2 |
Traits | 1 |
Mean shift | 3 |
Adaptors | 5 |
Univariate Distributions | 4 |
Algorithms | 3 |
Calculators | 6 |
Generators | 12 |
Filters | 10 |
Multivariate Density Functions | 8 |
Distance Metrics | 2 |
Components | 4 |
Estimators | 2 |
Total | 72 |
List of Classes per Category
Measurement Containers
- KdTree Refactored (same name)
- Histogram Refactored (same name)
- VariableDimensionHistogram Refactored (now provided as Histrogram)
- ListSampleBase Deprecated!
- ListSample Refactored (same name)
- Sample Refactored (same name) (now derives from DataObject)
- Subsample Refactored (same name)(identifiers do not refer to sample anymore)
- MembershipSample Refactored In Progress (same name. does not derive from sample anymore)
Frequency Containers
- DenseFrequencyContainer Refactored (DenseFrequencyContainer2)
- SparseFrequencyContainer Refactored (SparseFrequencyContainer2)
Note: The names of the frequency containers were suffixed by 2 to make them different from the frequency containers in ITK CVS to avoid linking problem with the ITKStatistics library Migration Instructions
Process Objects
- SampleClassifier Refactored (as SampleClassifierFilter )
- SampleClassifierWithMaskWill be Refactored (as SampleClassifierWithMaskFilter ) PENDING
- MeasurementVectorTraits Refactored (same name)
- HypersphereKernelMeanShiftModeSeeker PENDING
- MeanShiftModeCacheMethod PENDING
- MeanShiftModeSeekerBase PENDING
- ImageToCooccurrenceListAdaptor Refactored ( now ScalarImageToCoocurrenceListSampleFilter )
- ImageToListAdaptor Refactored ( now ImageToListSampleAdaptor )
- JointDomainImageToListAdaptor Refactored ( now JointDomainImageToListSampleAdaptor )
- PointSetToListAdaptor Refactored ( now PointSetToListSampleAdaptor )
- ScalarImageToListAdaptor Deprecated!
Univariate Distributions
- ChiSquareDistribution
- GaussianDistribution
- ProbabilityDistribution
- TDistribution
- SampleAlgorithmBase
- StatisticsAlgorithm
- NeighborhoodSampler
- CovarianceCalculator Refactored (now CovarianceFilter : ProcessObject)
- GreyLevelCooccurrenceMatrixTextureCoefficientsCalculator Refactored (now HistogramToTextureFeaturesFilter : ProcessObject)
- MeanCalculator Refactored (now MeanFilter : ProcessObject)
- ScalarImageTextureCalculator Refactored (now ScalarImageToTextureFeaturesFilter : ProcessObject)
- WeightedCovarianceCalculator Refactored (now WeightedCovarianceFilter : ProcessObject)
- WeightedMeanCalculator Refactored (now WeightedMeanFilter : ProcessObject)
- ImageToHistogramGenerator Refactored (now ImageToHistogramFilter)
- ImageToListGenerator Refactored (now ImageToListSampleFilter)
- KdTreeGenerator
- ListSampleToHistogramGenerator Refactored (now SampleToHistogramFilter)
- MaskedScalarImageToGreyLevelCooccurrenceMatrixGenerator Deprecated! (now managed by the ScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter )
- MembershipSampleGenerator Deprecated! (it should have been a type of Classifier filter .. to be implemented, Low priority)
- NormalVariateGenerator Will stay as the only Generators
- RandomVariateGeneratorBase Will stay as the only Generators
- ScalarImageToGreyLevelCooccurrenceMatrixGenerator Refactored (now ScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter )
- ScalarImageToHistogramGenerator Refactored (now ImageToHistogramFilter)
- SelectiveSubsampleGenerator Refactored (to be implemented as a type of SubsampleFilter)
- WeightedCentroidKdTreeGenerator
- HistogramToEntropyImageFilter
- HistogramToImageFilter
- HistogramToIntensityImageFilter
- HistogramToLogProbabilityImageFilter
- HistogramToProbabilityImageFilter
- ListSampleToHistogramFilter Refactored (now SampleToHistogramFilter)
- SampleMeanShiftBlurringFilter
- SampleMeanShiftClusteringFilter
- SampleSelectiveMeanShiftBlurringFilter
- SampleToHistogramProjectionFilter
Multivariate Density Functions
- DensityFunction
- DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction
- GaussianDensityFunction
- GoodnessOfFitFunctionBase Deprecated! (has never been used in the toolkit)
- GoodnessOfFitMixtureModelCostFunction Deprecated! (has never been used in the toolkit)
- LogLikelihoodGoodnessOfFitFunction Deprecated! (has never been used in the toolkit)
- MahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction
- MembershipFunctionBase
Distance Metrics
- DistanceMetric (Refactored)
- EuclideanDistance Refactored (now EuclideanDistanceMetric)
Decision rules
- DecisionRuleBase Refactored (now DecisionRule)
- MinimumDecisionRule
- MaximumDecisionRule
- MaximumRatioDecisionRule
- GaussianGoodnessOfFitComponent
- GaussianMixtureModelComponent
- GoodnessOfFitComponentBase
- MixtureModelComponentBase
- ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator
- KdTreeBasedKmeansEstimator
- ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator
- GaussianMixtureModelComponent
- GoodnessOfFitMixtureModelCostFunction
- MixtureModelComponentBase
Class Diagrams
Measurement Containers
Frequency Containers
Process Objects
Univariate Distributions
- SetInputSample()
- GetInputSample()
- GetMeasurementVectorSize()
- SetMeasurementVectorSize()
- Update()
- GenerateData()
- GetOutput()
Class Diagram
- SetInput() / SetSample()
- GetImput()
- SetClassMask()
- GetClassMask()
- GenerateData()
- GetOutput()
Class Diagram
Multivariate Density Functions
Distance Metrics