VTK/Multicore and Streaming

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Revision as of 15:43, 10 June 2009 by Jfsheph (talk | contribs)
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Multicore and Streaming


This page is to act as a facilitator for current efforts in adding advanced multicore and streaming functionality into the VTK framework. We will be building on some past work by others, and this page is meant to facilitate discussion and collaboration of those contributing via a number of synergistic research efforts.


Meeting 9 June 2009

  • Brian would like to have the pipelines on the wiki along with the papers now that the reviews are complete.
  • Brian does not care about the papers!  :)
  • Berk would like to modify Huy's current changes (in git) to leverage the existing streaming classes in vtk. Huy indicated that the current streamers require extents calculation, which might not always be available. Berk suggested that we look at using pieces instead of extents.
  • Need to subclass the composite data pipeline with support for temporal data.
  • Huy is still working on Push model. It's implemented but not complete and accessible.
  • Berk would like more of the functionality available in the executive. VTK should be changed rather than putting a band-aid on the current implementation.

GraphViz Test

Error writing graphviz file to disk.