VES/ParaView Mobile Remote Control

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The ParaView Mobile Remote Control allows users to view the ParaView scene and control the camera from a mobile device. The remote control uses a plugin for the ParaView desktop application, and an app for a mobile device.

Installing the plugin for ParaView

The mobile remote control plugin will be installed with ParaView v3.98. To enable the plugin, go to the Tools menu and choose Manage Plugins... The MobileRemoteControl plugin should appear in the list of plugins. Select it and choose Load Selected. When the plugin is loaded, a dock panel will appear in the ParaView user interface. The visibility of the dock panel can be toggled using the View menu.

Installing the mobile device app

The mobile device app is currently available as source code only. Future releases of KiwiViewer for Android and iOS will included the mobile remote control as a built-in functionality. To compile the mobile remote control from source, follow the instructions on the VES Developer's guide for compiling KiwiViewer. The remote control can be found on a topic branch called midas-kiwi. To checkout the topic branch from the stage remote:

 $ cd /path/to/ves
 $ git remote add stage git://
 $ git fetch stage
 $ git checkout -t stage/midas-kiwi

The mobile remote control client is implemented by the class src/kiwi/vesKiwiPVRemoteRepresentation.{cxx,h}

Getting Help

Please ask questions on the VES public mailing list.

Screenshots and videos

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Screenshot of the dock panel from the ParaView mobile remote control plugin.

Videos - in progress.