Compiling ParaView3 for Cray supercomputers

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This wiki page is currently a work in progress.

Objectives and Overview

Our goal is to run pvbatch on Cray massively parallel processor systems. Pvbatch is ParaView's MPI-enabled batch application. It reads batch scripts written in python and distributes the work across many processors. Pvbatch will be built when you compile ParaView 3. Before you can compile ParaView 3 you must compile three support packages- CMake, OSMesa, Python. The entire process will take about three hours to complete and you should have at least one gigabyte of workspace.

These instructions are intended for Cray MPP systems running the Catamount operating system. Specifically, these instructions have been tested on the Bigben XT3 supercomputer at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.


These terms are probably self explanatory, but just to clarify...

  • front end node - the computer/shell you log into and work on.
  • native operating system - the operating system that runs on the front end node (at PSC the OS is SuSE linux)
  • native build - software that executes on the front end nodes
  • compute node - the computers/processors running scientific computation
  • catamount - the operating system that runs on the compute nodes
  • catamount build - software that has been cross compiled to execute on the compute node

Build steps

You will log into a shell on a front end node. You will download the source code and then compile CMake, OSMesa, Python, and ParaView3. Some of these packages must be compiled twice- one native version and one cross compiled version. The steps are:

  1. Compile a CMake native build.
  2. Compile an OSMesa native build.
  3. Compile an OSMesa catamount build.
  4. Compile a Python native build.
  5. Compile a Python catamount build.
  6. Compile a ParaView 3 native build.
  7. Compile a ParaView 3 catamount build.
  • Step 2 is optional if your front end system already has OSMesa installed.
  • Step 4 is optional if your front end system already has Python installed.

Why are the native builds required?

During the ParaView build process helper binaries are compiled and executed to generate source files for future build targets. When you cross compile ParaView the helper binaries cannot execute since they are non-native to the front end node you are working on. The solution is to build a native version of ParaView first, and then tell CMake to use the native helper binaries while cross compiling.

Additional information

The instructions on this wiki page detail the steps required to build the software but do not provide additional information. Some concepts used but not explained on this wiki page are TryRunResults and Toolchain files. You may find these pages very helpful:


The front end nodes have more than one compiler installed. We will use the PGI and GNU compilers. At Bigben, the PGI compiler is the default compiler when you log in. You can switch compilers like this:

## switch from PGI to GNU compiler
module switch PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu

## switch from GNU to PGI compiler
module switch PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-pgi


When you cross compile with CMake you will input a toolchain file. You will use one toolchain file when you use the PGI compiler, and a different toolchain file when you use GNU.

For more information see the CMake/CrayXT3 page.

Directory structure

Setup your directories however you'd like. Path names on this wiki page are usually given in two forms, a general form and an example form, where "~/" is your home directory:

General form                      Example form

<install-dir>                     ~/install
<catamount-install-dir>           ~/install-catamount
<toolchain-dir>                   ~/toolchains

<paraview-source-dir>             ~/projects/paraview/ParaView3
<paraview-native-build-dir>       ~/projects/paraview/build-native

...                               ...

Here is how my directory tree looks:








Note, some of these directories will be created automatically when you extract archives or checkout code from cvs/svn. The install directories and subdirectories are created automatically when you run "make install" commands. Here is a command you could use to set up the directory tree:

cd ~/
mkdir toolchains projects projects/cmake projects/mesa projects/python projects/paraview 

Compiling CMake

CMake home page

Getting the source

You will need the latest version of CMake from CVS.

cd ~/projects/cmake
cvs -d login
## respond with password: cmake
cvs -d co CMake

Native build

It shouldn't matter which compiler you use to build CMake. I used the default PGI compiler.

General command:

cd <cmake-build-dir>
<cmake-src-dir>/bootstrap --prefix=<native-install-dir>
make install

Example command:

cd ~/projects/cmake/build
../CMake/bootstrap --prefix=~/install
make install

Compiling OSMesa

You will download the Mesa source code and compile the OSMesa target. OSMesa (off screen mesa) allows rendering with the OpenGL API directly into main memory instead of using system display memory. The native build is only required if your native system does not have OSMesa already installed. At Bigben, OSMesa was found at /usr/lib64/ with headers in /usr/include.

Mesa home page.

Getting the source

You can download the Mesa source directly using wget. In case the url changes, here is the Mesa download page

cd ~/projects/mesa
tar -zxf MesaLib-7.0.2.tar.gz

Native build

Use the PGI compiler. Since Mesa uses an in-source build you might want to copy the source dir before you start.

cd ~/projects/mesa
cp -r Mesa-7.0.2 mesa-native

## edit mesa-native/configs/default
## replace line:   INSTALL_DIR = /usr/local
## with:           INSTALL_DIR = ~/install
## or:             INSTALL_DIR = <native-install-dir>

cd mesa-native
make linux-osmesa
make install

Catamount build

Use the PGI compiler. Since Mesa uses an in-source build you might want to copy the source dir before you start.

cd ~/projects/mesa
cp -r Mesa-7.0.2 mesa-catamount

## edit mesa-catamount/configs/default
## replace line:   INSTALL_DIR = /usr/local
## with:           INSTALL_DIR = ~/install-catamount
## or:             INSTALL_DIR = <catamount-install-dir>

cd mesa-catamount
make catamount-osmesa-pgi
make install

Compiling Python

CMake files for building Python can be checked out from the ParaView repository. The native python build is only required if your system doesn't already have python libraries and binaries installed. On Bigben, python was located at /usr/lib64/ and /usr/bin/python2.3.

Use the GNU compiler, switch from PGI if you need to:

module switch PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu

Getting the source

These instructions use Python from the subversion repository. It is possible to use Python release 2.5.1 and apply a patch, more details are here.

cd ~/projects/python
svn co python-with-cmake

cvs -d login
## respond with empty password
cvs -d co -d python-with-cmake ParaView3/Utilities/CMakeBuildForPython

Native build

General command:

cd <python-build-native-dir>
<native-install-dir>/bin/ccmake <python-source-dir> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<native-install-dir>

## configure with ccmake

make install

Example command:

mkdir ~/projects/python/build-native
cd ~/projects/python/build-native
~/install/bin/ccmake ~/projects/python/python-with-cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/install

## configure with ccmake

make install

Catamount build

When configuring with CMake:

  • Confirm all MODULE__*_SHARED options are off
  • Turn off MODULE__pwd_ENABLE
  • Turn off ENABLE_IPV6
  • Turn off WITH_THREAD

General command:

cd <python-build-catamount-dir>
<native-install-dir>/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~<toolchain-dir>/Toolchain-Catamount-gcc.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<catamount-install-dir> -C <python-source-dir>/CMake/TryRunResults-Python-catamount-gcc.cmake <python-source-dir>

## configure with ccmake

make install

Example command:

mkdir ~/projects/python/build-catamount
cd ~/projects/python/build-catamount

~/install/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/toolchains/Toolchain-Catamount-gcc.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/install-catamount -C ~/projects/python/python-with-cmake/CMake/TryRunResults-Python-catamount-gcc.cmake ~/projects/python/python-with-cmake/

## configure with ccmake

make install

Compiling ParaView3

Getting the source

cd ~/projects/paraview
cvs -d login
## respond with empty password
cvs -d co ParaView3

Native build

You will build a native version of ParaView but do not need to install it. Use the PGI compiler, switch from GNU if you need to:

module switch PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-pgi

Next run CMake. When configuring ccmake:


The native operating system may or may not have Xlib installed. If Xlib is not found, you need to compile ParaView with OSMesa support. To enable OSMesa:

  • erase the contents of OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY, make it an empty string
  • confirm OSMESA_LIBRARY is found
  • confirm OSMESA_INCLUDE_DIR is found

General command:

cd <paraview-native-build-dir>
<native-install-dir>/bin/ccmake -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI=0 <paraview-source-dir>

## configure with ccmake


Example command:

mkdir ~/projects/paraview/build-native
cd ~/projects/paraview/build-native

~/install/bin/ccmake -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI=0 ~/projects/paraview/ParaView3

## configure with ccmake


Catamount build

When configuring with CMake:

  • turn on PARAVIEW_USE_MPI
  • confirm OSMESA_LIBRARY is the one you cross compiled and installed locally.
  • confirm PYTHON_LIBRARY is the one you cross compiled and installed locally.
  • set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to a native python binary, NOT a cross compiled python binary

General command:

cd <paraview-catamount-build-dir>
<native-install-dir>/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<toolchain-dir>/Toolchain-Catamount-pgi.cmake -DParaView3CompileTools_DIR=<paraview-native-build-dir> -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI=0 -C <paraview-source-dir>/CMake/TryRunResults-ParaView3-catamount-gcc.cmake <paraview-source-dir>

## configure with ccmake


Example command:

mkdir ~/projects/paraview/build-catamount
cd ~/projects/paraview/build-catamount
~/install/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/toolchains/Toolchain-Catamount-pgi.cmake -DParaView3CompileTools_DIR=~/projects/paraview/build-native -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI=0 -C ~/projects/paraview/ParaView3/CMake/TryRunResults-ParaView3-catamount-gcc.cmake ~/projects/paraview/ParaView3

## configure with ccmake

