VTK/Supporting Arrays With Arbitrary Memory Layouts

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Not too long ago, the notion of Mapped Arrays was introduced in VTK. The main objective behind these was to add support to handle data arrays with arbitrary memory layouts in VTK. This motivation was to support in-situ data processing use-cases without having to deep-copy arrays from simulation datastructures to VTK's memory layout when the simulation used different memory layout than VTK's. While mapped arrays enabled supporting arbitrary memory layouts in VTK for the the first time, as they started to get used by a wider community, a few drawbacks come to light:

  1. Adding a new array layout required developers to implement a large number of pure-virtual methods defined in its superclass hierarchy. This list is discouragingly large especially for simulation developers, not too familiar with VTK. For veteran VTK developers, this was tedious at the least.
  2. Virtual API for accessing values in a generic way meant that the access was invariably slow and kept compilers from performing further optimizations.

This new design addresses both these issues.


This design targets vtkDataArray and subclasses alone. vtkDataArray, in VTK. Hence, this discussion is not applicable for certain vtkAbstractArray subclasses that are not vtkDataArray subclasses as well e.g. vtkStringArray, vtkVariantArray. Since such arrays are rarely, if ever, encountered in in-situ use-cases, this should not be an issue.


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vtkGenericDataArray is a new subclass of vtkDataArray that does all the the heavy lifting to implement the pure-virtual API expected by vtkAbstractArray and vtkDataArray and defines a new concept that the subclasses should implement. All methods expected to be implemented by the subclasses are non-virtual and hence provide for fast access and compile time optimizations.

vtkSoADataArrayTemplate, and vtkAoSDataArrayTemplate are concrete subclasses templated over ScalarTypeT. SoA stands for Structure of Arrays, while AoS stands for Array of Structures (the traditional VTK array memory layout).

Let's take a closer look at the hierarchy.

  1. vtkAbstractArray is the abstract base class for all arrays in VTK (numeric or otherwise). It provides API that does not assume any type for the scalar or tuple values e.g. Get|SetNumberOfComponents, Get|SetNumberOfTuples, etc. Even the methods such as SetTuple, InsertTuple provided by this class that operate on tuples, take another vtkAbstractArray as the argument to get the tuple value to set or insert -- thus is agnostic of the actual data type for the tuples.
  1. vtkDataArray qualifies vtkAbstractArray for numeric arrays. Now, it can expose API that makes this assumption e.g. GetTuple, SetTuple, InsertTuple etc. with double or float types since all numeric types can be converted to double or float (with known precision errors, of course). When using this API, the user is aware of two things: 1. there may be type conversions and hence loss in precision, 2. this may be slow since there may be type conversions.