VTK/GSoC 2011

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Project ideas for the Google Summer of Code 2011

Thanks Germano !Actually the main work (as was planned) is done in bledenr 2.49. During production I recognized, that several areas of the 2.5x development was suitable for me as well, most notable the sculpting and to a lesser degree the texture painting features.As it looks currently I will finish the short in 2.49 with maybe the compositing and final editing done again in 2.5x.Thats ok for me and gives me the chance to get familiar with certain aspects of the 2.5x series in a real project.And you are right about not rushing things. I will take the time it needs but still with a strong focus on finishing it. Right now my vision and the current state of the Ara's Tale correspond quite well. There were ( and will be ) compromises, but the overall picture is still intact

Project Ideas

Project page, mailing lists, dashboard.

Project: New 2D Charts

Brief explanation: Implementation and augmentation of features in the existing 2D charts. Also exposure of these charts in the ParaView user interface. Additional features could also be added to existing charts such as error bars, mapping of more properties, enhanced interactivity features and/or performance improvements.

Expected results: New chart types, improved interactivity with existing chart types and additional exposure in the ParaView GUI.

Prerequisites: Experience in C++, some experience with VTK/OpenGL ideally, but not necessary.

Mentor: Marcus Hanwell (marcus dot hanwell at kitware dot com).

These tiopcs are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.

Project: Volume Rendering in WebGL

Brief explanation: Write an initial implementation of ray-cast volume rendering functionality in WebGL. This should allow web developers to use this library to perform volume rendering in the browser. The student should explore each technology and work on shader programs which emulate behavior implemented in the C++ VTK library.

Expected results: A Javascript library that takes a 3D image data as input and produces interactive volume rendering in the browser. The student should evaluate performance and accuracy of implementations WebGL compared to the existing C++ implementation.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with OpenGL and Javascript, some experience with CMake and C++ preferred.

Mentor: Jeff Baumes (jeff.baumes at kitware dot com).

Project: Protovis in C++

Brief explanation: Protovis is a Javascript library that uses SVG to do information visualization in the browser. Its compact, expressive language allows developers to build complex visualizations. We would like the similar capabilities in the C++ VTK library for use in C++ applications that would scale to larger data. This effort has started in January 2010, but there are still many capabilities not offered in the C++ API. The accepted student would work to replicate several complex Protovis examples in C++, and implement new features in VTK that are missing to allow those examples to work in C++. This project relies heavily on C++ libraries such as the boost::lambda library for inline lambda functions in order to write compact visualization descriptions.

Expected results: The student should provide C++ examples using VTK that emulate behavior in corresponding Protovis examples, and patches to VTK that allow the new features these examples require. Depending on the interest of mentor and student, this may involve animation support, advanced interaction techniques, new mark types, performance enhancements, or other features.

Prerequisites: Some experience with CMake and C++, boost and template programming a plus. Javascript experience preferred but not necessary.

Mentor: Jeff Baumes (jeff.baumes at kitware dot com).

Project: Implement Select Algorithms from IEEE VisWeek 2010 in VTK

Brief explanation: VisWeek is the premier forum for visualization advances in science and engineering for academia, government, and industry. This event brings together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in techniques, tools, and technology. During the conference, researchers present papers on advances in scientific visualization and informatics. Many of these algorithms introduce new algorithms but not necessarily release the implementations in a form usable by the larger community. Since VTK has become the ubiquitous open-source toolkit for visualization, implementing these algorithms in the VTK framework would make them available to a large group of users. The accepted student would work to implement several select algorithms from VisWeek 2009 in C++ as new VTK algorithms.

Expected results: Implementation of several leading algorithms from VisWeek 2010 in VTK. The student should also implement examples and tests that will run as part of VTK's testing system (using CMake/CTest).

Prerequisites: Experience in visualization algorithms and/or GPU programming. Experience in C++. Some experience with VTK is preferred but not necessary.

Mentor: Berk Geveci (berk.geveci at kitware dot com).

Project: AMR Volume Rendering in VTK

Brief explanation: Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) has become popular in the numerical solution of shock physics, plasma physics and astrophysics problems. AMR uses a set of overlapping rectilinear grids to discretize the domain of problems that involve feature of largely varying scales. For example, in astrophysics the problem domain include whole galaxies but the mesh has to resolve individual stars. VTK has introduced native support for AMR meshes a few years ago and most of VTK's algorithms work well with this mesh type. One important algorithm that is missing and that is widely used by the AMR community is volume rendering. The accepted student will work to implement AMR volume rendering in VTK using existing building blocks include software and GPU-based volume rendering algorithms for rectilinear grids.

Expected results: Implementation of AMR volume rendering in VTK. The student should also implement examples and tests that will run as part of VTK's testing system (using CMake/CTest).

Prerequisites: Some experience in volume rendering and/or VTK is preferred but not necessary. Experience in C++.

Mentor: Berk Geveci (berk.geveci at kitware dot com).

Project: Implementing SVG/EPS Backend for 2D API

Brief explanation: VTK has a new, abstracted 2D API. It currently only has one backend (OpenGL), with a very early proof of concept using Qt. The project would involve adding an SVG/EPS backend, implementing support classes print quality output. This would ideally lead to the possibility of producing publication quality charts using an SVG/EPS (or similar) output backend without the need for any graphical environment.

Expected results: A new backend, focused on producing publication quality output using SVG/EPS. Ideally a second interactive backend that does not require any graphical environment (headless web server etc), along with additional tests and documentation of the new feature.

Prerequisites: Experience in C++. Some experience with VTK, SVG and/or EPS ideally, but not necessary.

Mentor: Marcus Hanwell (marcus dot hanwell at kitware dot com).

2.2.0版才支持Quod Libet:Music Applet 2.2.0 June 10, 2007Release notes:Added sprpout for MPD.Added sprpout for Quod Libet, contributed by Mickael Royer.Added sprpout for XMMS (version 1).Added sprpout for song ratings in Exaile.Implemented optional notification popups when the song changes.Added an icon for the applet (finally!).Provide feedback about missing Python modules at configure time.Numerous bug fixes.Added Arabic (ar) translation from Djihed Afifi.Updated Dutch (nl) translation Adriaan Peeters.Updated Portuguese/Brazil (pt_BR) translation Jonh Wendell.Updated Swedish (sv) translation Daniel Nylander.