Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
00004   Module:    vtkCommunicator.h
00006   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
00007   All rights reserved.
00008   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
00010      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
00011      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
00012      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
00014 =========================================================================*/
00034 #ifndef __vtkCommunicator_h
00035 #define __vtkCommunicator_h
00037 #include "vtkObject.h"
00039 class vtkBoundingBox;
00040 class vtkCharArray;
00041 class vtkDataArray;
00042 class vtkDataObject;
00043 class vtkDataSet;
00044 class vtkImageData;
00045 class vtkMultiBlockDataSet;
00046 class vtkMultiProcessStream;
00047 class vtkTemporalDataSet;
00049 class VTK_PARALLEL_EXPORT vtkCommunicator : public vtkObject
00050 {
00052 public:
00054   vtkTypeMacro(vtkCommunicator, vtkObject);
00055   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
00061   virtual void SetNumberOfProcesses(int num);
00062   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfProcesses, int);
00067   vtkGetMacro(LocalProcessId, int);
00070 //BTX
00072   enum Tags
00073   {
00074     BROADCAST_TAG       = 10,
00075     GATHER_TAG          = 11,
00076     GATHERV_TAG         = 12,
00077     SCATTER_TAG         = 13,
00078     SCATTERV_TAG        = 14,
00079     REDUCE_TAG          = 15,
00080     BARRIER_TAG         = 16
00081   };
00083   enum StandardOperations
00084   {
00085     MAX_OP,
00086     MIN_OP,
00087     SUM_OP,
00088     PRODUCT_OP,
00089     LOGICAL_AND_OP,
00090     BITWISE_AND_OP,
00091     LOGICAL_OR_OP,
00092     BITWISE_OR_OP,
00093     LOGICAL_XOR_OP,
00094     BITWISE_XOR_OP
00095   };
00100   class Operation
00101   {
00102   public:
00114     virtual void Function(const void *A, void *B, vtkIdType length,
00115                           int datatype) = 0;
00120     virtual int Commutative() = 0;
00122     virtual ~Operation() {}
00123   };
00125 //ETX
00129   int Send(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00133   int Send(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00140   virtual int SendVoidArray(const void *data, vtkIdType length, int type,
00141                             int remoteHandle, int tag) = 0;
00146   int Send(const int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00147     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_INT, remoteHandle, tag);
00148   }
00149   int Send(const unsigned int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00150     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_INT, remoteHandle, tag);
00151   }
00152   int Send(const unsigned long* data, vtkIdType length,
00153            int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00154     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length,VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG,remoteHandle,tag);
00155   }
00156   int Send(const unsigned char* data, vtkIdType length,
00157            int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00158     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length,VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR,remoteHandle,tag);
00159   }
00160   int Send(const char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00161     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_CHAR, remoteHandle, tag);
00162   }
00163   int Send(const float* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00164     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_FLOAT, remoteHandle, tag);
00165   }
00166   int Send(const double* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00167     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_DOUBLE, remoteHandle, tag);
00168   }
00169 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00170   int Send(const vtkIdType* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00171     return this->SendVoidArray(data, length, VTK_ID_TYPE, remoteHandle, tag);
00172   }
00173 #endif
00174 //BTX
00175   int Send(const vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag);
00176 //ETX
00182   int Receive(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00186   vtkDataObject *ReceiveDataObject(int remoteHandle, int tag);
00190   int Receive(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00201   virtual int ReceiveVoidArray(void *data, vtkIdType maxlength, int type,
00202                                int remoteHandle, int tag) = 0;
00207   int Receive(int* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00208     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_INT, remoteHandle, tag);
00209   }
00210   int Receive(unsigned int* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00211     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_INT, remoteHandle, tag);
00212   }
00213   int Receive(unsigned long* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag){
00214     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, remoteHandle,
00215                                   tag);
00216   }
00217   int Receive(unsigned char* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag){
00218     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, remoteHandle,
00219                                   tag);
00220   }
00221   int Receive(char* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00222     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_CHAR, remoteHandle, tag);
00223   }
00224   int Receive(float* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00225     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_FLOAT, remoteHandle, tag);
00226   }
00227   int Receive(double* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00228     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_DOUBLE, remoteHandle, tag);
00229   }
00230 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00231   int Receive(vtkIdType* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteHandle, int tag) {
00232     return this->ReceiveVoidArray(data, maxlength, VTK_ID_TYPE, remoteHandle, tag);
00233   }
00234 #endif
00235 //BTX
00236   int Receive(vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag);
00237 //ETX
00248   vtkGetMacro(Count, vtkIdType);
00251   //---------------------- Collective Operations ----------------------
00255   virtual void Barrier();
00261   int Broadcast(int *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00262     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_INT, srcProcessId);
00263   }
00264   int Broadcast(unsigned int *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00265     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_UNSIGNED_INT, srcProcessId);
00266   }
00267   int Broadcast(unsigned long *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00268     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data,length,VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG,srcProcessId);
00269   }
00270   int Broadcast(unsigned char *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00271     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data,length,VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR,srcProcessId);
00272   }
00273   int Broadcast(char *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00274     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_CHAR, srcProcessId);
00275   }
00276   int Broadcast(float *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00277     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_FLOAT, srcProcessId);
00278   }
00279   int Broadcast(double *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00280     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_DOUBLE, srcProcessId);
00281   }
00282 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00283   int Broadcast(vtkIdType *data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00284     return this->BroadcastVoidArray(data, length, VTK_ID_TYPE, srcProcessId);
00285   }
00286 #endif
00287   int Broadcast(vtkDataObject *data, int srcProcessId);
00288   int Broadcast(vtkDataArray *data, int srcProcessId);
00289 //BTX
00290   int Broadcast(vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int srcProcessId);
00291 //ETX
00303   int Gather(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00304              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00305     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00306                                  VTK_INT, destProcessId);
00307   }
00308   int Gather(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00309              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00310     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00311                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, destProcessId);
00312   }
00313   int Gather(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00314              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00315     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00316                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, destProcessId);
00317   }
00318   int Gather(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00319              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00320     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00321                                  VTK_CHAR, destProcessId);
00322   }
00323   int Gather(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00324              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00325     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00326                                  VTK_FLOAT, destProcessId);
00327   }
00328   int Gather(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00329              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00330     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00331                                  VTK_DOUBLE, destProcessId);
00332   }
00333 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00334   int Gather(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00335              vtkIdType length, int destProcessId) {
00336     return this->GatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00337                                  VTK_ID_TYPE, destProcessId);
00338   }
00339 #endif
00340   int Gather(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00341              int destProcessId);
00355   int GatherV(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer,
00356               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00357               int destProcessId) {
00358     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00359                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00360                                   offsets, VTK_INT, destProcessId);
00361   }
00362   int GatherV(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer,
00363               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00364               int destProcessId) {
00365     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00366                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00367                                   offsets, VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, destProcessId);
00368   }
00369   int GatherV(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer,
00370               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00371               int destProcessId) {
00372     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00373                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00374                                   offsets, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, destProcessId);
00375   }
00376   int GatherV(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer,
00377               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00378               int destProcessId) {
00379     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00380                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00381                                   offsets, VTK_CHAR, destProcessId);
00382   }
00383   int GatherV(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer,
00384               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00385               int destProcessId) {
00386     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00387                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00388                                   offsets, VTK_FLOAT, destProcessId);
00389   }
00390   int GatherV(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer,
00391               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00392               int destProcessId) {
00393     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00394                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00395                                   offsets, VTK_DOUBLE, destProcessId);
00396   }
00397 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00398   int GatherV(const vtkIdType* sendBuffer, vtkIdType* recvBuffer,
00399               vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
00400               int destProcessId) {
00401     return this->GatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00402                                   sendLength, recvLengths,
00403                                   offsets, VTK_ID_TYPE, destProcessId);
00404   }
00405 #endif
00406   int GatherV(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00407               vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets, int destProcessId);
00408   int GatherV(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00409               int destProcessId);
00418   int Scatter(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00419              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00420     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00421                                   VTK_INT, srcProcessId);
00422   }
00423   int Scatter(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00424              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00425     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00426                                   VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, srcProcessId);
00427   }
00428   int Scatter(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00429              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00430     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00431                                   VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, srcProcessId);
00432   }
00433   int Scatter(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00434              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00435     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00436                                   VTK_CHAR, srcProcessId);
00437   }
00438   int Scatter(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00439              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00440     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00441                                   VTK_FLOAT, srcProcessId);
00442   }
00443   int Scatter(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00444              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00445     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00446                                   VTK_DOUBLE, srcProcessId);
00447   }
00448 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00449   int Scatter(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00450              vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId) {
00451     return this->ScatterVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00452                                   VTK_ID_TYPE, srcProcessId);
00453   }
00454 #endif
00455   int Scatter(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00456              int srcProcessId);
00466   int ScatterV(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00467                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00468                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00469     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00470                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00471                                    VTK_INT, srcProcessId);
00472   }
00473   int ScatterV(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00474                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00475                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00476     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00477                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00478                                    VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, srcProcessId);
00479   }
00480   int ScatterV(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00481                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00482                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00483     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00484                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00485                                    VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, srcProcessId);
00486   }
00487   int ScatterV(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00488                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00489                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00490     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00491                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00492                                    VTK_CHAR, srcProcessId);
00493   }
00494   int ScatterV(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00495                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00496                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00497     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00498                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00499                                    VTK_FLOAT, srcProcessId);
00500   }
00501   int ScatterV(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00502                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00503                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00504     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00505                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00506                                    VTK_DOUBLE, srcProcessId);
00507   }
00508 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00509   int ScatterV(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00510                vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00511                vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId) {
00512     return this->ScatterVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00513                                    sendLengths, offsets, recvLength,
00514                                    VTK_ID_TYPE, srcProcessId);
00515   }
00516 #endif
00521   int AllGather(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00522     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, VTK_INT);
00523   }
00524   int AllGather(const unsigned long *sendBuffer,
00525                 unsigned long *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00526     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00527                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG);
00528   }
00529   int AllGather(const unsigned char *sendBuffer,
00530                 unsigned char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00531     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00532                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
00533   }
00534   int AllGather(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00535     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, VTK_CHAR);
00536   }
00537   int AllGather(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00538     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, VTK_FLOAT);
00539   }
00540   int AllGather(const double *sendBuffer,
00541                 double *recvBuffer, vtkIdType length) {
00542     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, VTK_DOUBLE);
00543   }
00544 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00545   int AllGather(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00546                 vtkIdType length) {
00547     return this->AllGatherVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00548                                     VTK_ID_TYPE);
00549   }
00550 #endif
00551   int AllGather(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer);
00556   int AllGatherV(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer,
00557                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00558                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00559     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00560                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00561                                      offsets, VTK_INT);
00562   }
00563   int AllGatherV(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer,
00564                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00565                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00566     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00567                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00568                                      offsets, VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG);
00569   }
00570   int AllGatherV(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer,
00571                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00572                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00573     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00574                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00575                                      offsets, VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
00576   }
00577   int AllGatherV(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer,
00578                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00579                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00580     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00581                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00582                                      offsets, VTK_CHAR);
00583   }
00584   int AllGatherV(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer,
00585                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00586                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00587     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00588                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00589                                      offsets, VTK_FLOAT);
00590   }
00591   int AllGatherV(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer,
00592                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00593                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00594     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00595                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00596                                      offsets, VTK_DOUBLE);
00597   }
00598 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00599   int AllGatherV(const vtkIdType* sendBuffer, vtkIdType* recvBuffer,
00600                  vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
00601                  vtkIdType* offsets) {
00602     return this->AllGatherVVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer,
00603                                      sendLength, recvLengths,
00604                                      offsets, VTK_ID_TYPE);
00605   }
00606 #endif
00607   int AllGatherV(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00608                  vtkIdType *recvLengths, vtkIdType *offsets);
00609   int AllGatherV(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer);
00616   int Reduce(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00617              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00618     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00619                                  VTK_INT, operation, destProcessId);
00620   }
00621   int Reduce(const unsigned int *sendBuffer, unsigned int *recvBuffer,
00622              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00623     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00624                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_INT, operation, destProcessId);
00625   }
00626   int Reduce(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00627              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00628     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00629                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, operation, destProcessId);
00630   }
00631   int Reduce(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00632              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00633     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00634                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, operation, destProcessId);
00635   }
00636   int Reduce(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00637              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00638     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00639                                  VTK_CHAR, operation, destProcessId);
00640   }
00641   int Reduce(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00642              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00643     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00644                                  VTK_FLOAT, operation, destProcessId);
00645   }
00646   int Reduce(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00647              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00648     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00649                                  VTK_DOUBLE, operation, destProcessId);
00650   }
00651 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00652   int Reduce(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00653              vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId) {
00654     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00655                                  VTK_ID_TYPE, operation, destProcessId);
00656   }
00657 #endif
00658   int Reduce(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00659              int operation, int destProcessId);
00666   int Reduce(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00667              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00668     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00669                                  VTK_INT, operation, destProcessId);
00670   }
00671   int Reduce(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00672              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00673     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00674                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, operation, destProcessId);
00675   }
00676   int Reduce(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00677              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00678     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00679                                  VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, operation, destProcessId);
00680   }
00681   int Reduce(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00682              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00683     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00684                                  VTK_CHAR, operation, destProcessId);
00685   }
00686   int Reduce(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00687              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00688     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00689                                  VTK_FLOAT, operation, destProcessId);
00690   }
00691   int Reduce(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00692              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00693     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00694                                  VTK_DOUBLE, operation, destProcessId);
00695   }
00696 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00697   int Reduce(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00698              vtkIdType length, Operation *operation, int destProcessId) {
00699     return this->ReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00700                                  VTK_ID_TYPE, operation, destProcessId);
00701   }
00702 #endif
00703   int Reduce(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00704              Operation *operation, int destProcessId);
00710   int AllReduce(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00711                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00712     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00713                                     VTK_INT, operation);
00714   }
00715   int AllReduce(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00716                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00717     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00718                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, operation);
00719   }
00720   int AllReduce(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00721                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00722     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00723                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, operation);
00724   }
00725   int AllReduce(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00726                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00727     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00728                                     VTK_CHAR, operation);
00729   }
00730   int AllReduce(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00731                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00732     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00733                                     VTK_FLOAT, operation);
00734   }
00735   int AllReduce(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00736                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00737     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00738                                     VTK_DOUBLE, operation);
00739   }
00740 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00741   int AllReduce(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00742                 vtkIdType length, int operation) {
00743     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00744                                     VTK_ID_TYPE, operation);
00745   }
00746 #endif
00747   int AllReduce(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00748                 int operation);
00749   int AllReduce(const int *sendBuffer, int *recvBuffer,
00750                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00751     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00752                                     VTK_INT, operation);
00753   }
00754   int AllReduce(const unsigned long *sendBuffer, unsigned long *recvBuffer,
00755                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00756     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00757                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG, operation);
00758   }
00759   int AllReduce(const unsigned char *sendBuffer, unsigned char *recvBuffer,
00760                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00761     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00762                                     VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, operation);
00763   }
00764   int AllReduce(const char *sendBuffer, char *recvBuffer,
00765                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00766     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00767                                     VTK_CHAR, operation);
00768   }
00769   int AllReduce(const float *sendBuffer, float *recvBuffer,
00770                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00771     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00772                                     VTK_FLOAT, operation);
00773   }
00774   int AllReduce(const double *sendBuffer, double *recvBuffer,
00775                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00776     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00777                                     VTK_DOUBLE, operation);
00778   }
00779 #ifdef VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
00780   int AllReduce(const vtkIdType *sendBuffer, vtkIdType *recvBuffer,
00781                 vtkIdType length, Operation *operation) {
00782     return this->AllReduceVoidArray(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length,
00783                                     VTK_ID_TYPE, operation);
00784   }
00785 #endif
00786   int AllReduce(vtkDataArray *sendBuffer, vtkDataArray *recvBuffer,
00787                 Operation *operation);
00793   virtual int BroadcastVoidArray(void *data, vtkIdType length, int type,
00794                                  int srcProcessId);
00795   virtual int GatherVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00796                               vtkIdType length, int type, int destProcessId);
00797   virtual int GatherVVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00798                                vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths,
00799                                vtkIdType *offsets, int type, int destProcessId);
00800   virtual int ScatterVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00801                                vtkIdType length, int type, int srcProcessId);
00802   virtual int ScatterVVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00803                                 vtkIdType *sendLengths, vtkIdType *offsets,
00804                                 vtkIdType recvLength, int type,
00805                                 int srcProcessId);
00806   virtual int AllGatherVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00807                                  vtkIdType length, int type);
00808   virtual int AllGatherVVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00809                                   vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType *recvLengths,
00810                                   vtkIdType *offsets, int type);
00811   virtual int ReduceVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00812                               vtkIdType length, int type,
00813                               int operation, int destProcessId);
00814   virtual int ReduceVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00815                               vtkIdType length, int type,
00816                               Operation *operation, int destProcessId);
00817   virtual int AllReduceVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00818                                  vtkIdType length, int type,
00819                                  int operation);
00820   virtual int AllReduceVoidArray(const void *sendBuffer, void *recvBuffer,
00821                                  vtkIdType length, int type,
00822                                  Operation *operation);
00825   static void SetUseCopy(int useCopy);
00827 //BTX
00837   virtual int ComputeGlobalBounds(int processorId, int numProcesses,
00838                                   vtkBoundingBox *bounds,
00839                                   int *rightHasBounds = 0,
00840                                   int *leftHasBounds = 0,
00841                                   int hasBoundsTag = 288402,
00842                                   int localBoundsTag = 288403,
00843                                   int globalBoundsTag = 288404);
00844 //ETX
00851   static int GetParentProcessor(int pid);
00852   static int GetLeftChildProcessor(int pid);
00859   static int MarshalDataObject(vtkDataObject *object, vtkCharArray *buffer);
00860   static int UnMarshalDataObject(vtkCharArray *buffer, vtkDataObject *object);
00863 protected:
00865   int WriteDataArray(vtkDataArray *object);
00866   int ReadDataArray(vtkDataArray *object);
00868   vtkCommunicator();
00869   ~vtkCommunicator();
00871   // Internal methods called by Send/Receive(vtkDataObject *... ) above.
00872   int SendElementalDataObject(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00873   int SendMultiBlockDataSet(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00874   int SendTemporalDataSet(vtkTemporalDataSet* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00875   int ReceiveDataObject(vtkDataObject* data,
00876                         int remoteHandle, int tag, int type=-1);
00877   int ReceiveElementalDataObject(vtkDataObject* data,
00878                                  int remoteHandle, int tag);
00879   int ReceiveMultiBlockDataSet(
00880     vtkMultiBlockDataSet* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00881   int ReceiveTemporalDataSet(
00882     vtkTemporalDataSet* data, int remoteHandle, int tag);
00884   int MaximumNumberOfProcesses;
00885   int NumberOfProcesses;
00887   int LocalProcessId;
00889   static int UseCopy;
00891   vtkIdType Count;
00893 private:
00894   vtkCommunicator(const vtkCommunicator&);  // Not implemented.
00895   void operator=(const vtkCommunicator&);  // Not implemented.
00896 };
00898 #endif // __vtkCommunicator_h