Bug List

Class vtkFastSplatter
Any point outside of the extents of the image is thrown away, even if it is close enough such that it's convolution with the splat image would overlap the extents.

Class vtkMesaProjectedTetrahedraMapper
This mapper relies highly on the implementation of the Mesa pipeline. A typical hardware driver has lots of options and some settings can cause this mapper to produce artifacts.

Class vtkMySQLQuery
Since MySQL requires that all bound parameters be passed in a single mysql_stmt_bind_param call, there is no way to determine which one is causing an error when one occurs.

Class vtkOpenGLProjectedTetrahedraMapper
This mapper relies highly on the implementation of the OpenGL pipeline. A typical hardware driver has lots of options and some settings can cause this mapper to produce artifacts.

Class vtkProjectedTetrahedraMapper
This mapper relies highly on the implementation of the OpenGL pipeline. A typical hardware driver has lots of options and some settings can cause this mapper to produce artifacts.

Class vtkSocketController
Note that because process 0 will always correspond to self, this class breaks assumptions usually implied when using ad-hoc polymorphism. That is, the vtkSocketController will behave differently than other subclasses of vtkMultiProcessController. If you upcast vtkSocketController to vtkMultiProcessController and send it to a method that does not know that the object is actually a vtkSocketController, the object may not behave as intended. For example, if that oblivious class chose to identify a "root" based on the local process id, then both sides of the controller will think they are the root (and that will probably lead to deadlock). If you plan to upcast to vtkMultiProcessController, you should probably use the CreateCompliantController instead.

Class vtkSQLiteQuery
Sometimes Execute() will return false (meaning an error) but GetLastErrorText() winds up null. I am not certain why this is happening.

Class vtkSubCommunicator
Because all communication is delegated to the original communicator, any error will report process ids with respect to the original communicator, not this communicator that was actually used.

Generated on Wed Jun 3 18:51:28 2009 for VTK by  doxygen 1.5.6