00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Visualization Toolkit 00004 Module: vtkRRandomTableSource.h 00005 00006 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen 00007 All rights reserved. 00008 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. 00009 00010 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00011 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00012 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. 00013 00014 =========================================================================*/ 00015 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00016 Copyright 2009 Sandia Corporation. 00017 Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, 00018 the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. 00019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00020 00057 #ifndef __vtkRRandomTableSource_h 00058 #define __vtkRRandomTableSource_h 00059 00060 #include "vtkTableAlgorithm.h" 00061 00062 class vtkRrtsimplementation; 00063 00064 class VTK_GRAPHICS_EXPORT vtkRRandomTableSource : public vtkTableAlgorithm 00065 { 00066 00067 public: 00068 00069 static vtkRRandomTableSource* New(); 00070 vtkTypeMacro(vtkRRandomTableSource,vtkTableAlgorithm); 00071 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); 00072 00074 00075 void SetNumberOfRows(int nrows); 00076 int GetNumberOfRows(); 00078 00080 int GetNumberOfColumns(); 00081 00084 void ClearTableOutput(); 00085 00088 void SetRandGenSeed(const int seed); 00089 00090 //BTX 00092 00095 typedef enum 00096 { 00098 00099 WILCOXONRANKSUM = 0, // Wilcoxon rank sum 00100 // param1 - number of observations in the first sample 00101 // param2 - number of observations in the second sample 00102 // param3 - not used 00103 00104 WILCOXONSIGNEDRANK = 1, // Wilcoxon signed rank 00105 // param1 - number of observations in the sample 00106 // param2 - not used 00107 // param3 - not used 00108 00109 LOGISTIC = 2, // Logistic 00110 // param1 - location parameter (usually 0) 00111 // param2 - scale parameter (usually 1) 00112 // param3 - not used 00113 00114 WEIBULL = 3, // Weibull 00115 // param1 - shape parameter 00116 // param2 - scale parameter (usually 1) 00117 // param3 - not used 00118 00119 POISSON = 4, // Poisson 00120 // param1 - lambda mean 00121 // param2 - not used 00122 // param3 - not used 00123 00124 NEGBINOMIAL = 5, // Negative Binomial 00125 // param1 - Dispersion parameter, or number of successful trials 00126 // param2 - Probability of success on each trial 00127 // param3 - not used 00128 00129 HYPERGEOM = 6, // Hyper Geometric 00130 // param1 - number of white balls in the urn 00131 // param2 - number of black balls in the urn 00132 // param3 - number of balls drawn from the urn 00133 00134 GEOM = 7, // Geometric 00135 // param1 - rate parameter 00136 // param2 - not used 00137 // param3 - not used 00138 00139 EXP = 8, // Exponential 00140 // param1 - rate parameter 00141 // param2 - not used 00142 // param3 - not used 00143 00144 CAUCHY = 9, // Cauchy 00145 // param1 - location parameter (usually 0) 00146 // param2 - scale parameter (usually 1) 00147 // param3 - not used 00148 00149 T = 10, // Student T 00150 // param1 - degrees of freedom 00151 // param2 - not used 00152 // param3 - not used 00153 00154 F = 11, // F 00155 // param1 - degrees of freedom one 00156 // param2 - degrees of freedom two 00157 // param3 - not used 00158 00159 LOGNORMAL = 12, // Log-normal 00160 // param1 - log mean 00161 // param2 - log standard deviation 00162 // param3 - not used 00163 00164 GAMMA = 13, // Gamma 00165 // param1 - shape parameter 00166 // param2 - scale parameter 00167 // param3 - not used 00168 00169 UNIF = 14, // Uniform 00170 // param1 - distribution lower limit 00171 // param2 - distribution upper limit 00172 // param3 - not used 00173 00174 BETA = 15, // Beta 00175 // param1 - shape parameter one. 00176 // param2 - shape parameter two. 00177 // param3 - not used 00178 00179 BINOMIAL = 16, // Binomial 00180 // param1 - number of trials 00181 // param2 - probability of success on each trial 00182 // param3 - not used 00183 00184 NORMAL = 17, // Normal (Gaussian) 00185 // param1 - mean 00186 // param2 - standard deviation 00187 // param3 - not used 00188 00189 CHISQUARE = 18, // Chi-square 00190 // param1 - degrees of freedom 00191 // param2 - not used 00192 // param3 - not used 00193 00194 } StatDistType; 00195 00197 00207 void SetStatisticalDistributionForColumn(vtkRRandomTableSource::StatDistType t, 00208 double param1, 00209 double param2, 00210 double param3, 00211 const char* ColumnName, 00212 int column_index); 00213 //ETX 00215 00217 00219 void SetStatisticalDistributionForColumn(int StatDistType, 00220 double param1, 00221 double param2, 00222 double param3, 00223 const char* ColumnName, 00224 int column_index); 00226 00227 00228 protected: 00229 vtkRRandomTableSource(); 00230 ~vtkRRandomTableSource(); 00231 00232 int RequestData( 00233 vtkInformation*, 00234 vtkInformationVector**, 00235 vtkInformationVector*); 00236 00237 private: 00238 vtkRRandomTableSource(const vtkRRandomTableSource&); // Not implemented 00239 void operator=(const vtkRRandomTableSource&); // Not implemented 00240 00241 int NumberOfRows; 00242 00243 vtkRrtsimplementation *impl; 00244 00245 }; 00246 00247 #endif 00248