00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Visualization Toolkit 00004 Module: vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper.h 00005 00006 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen 00007 All rights reserved. 00008 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. 00009 00010 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00011 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00012 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. 00013 00014 =========================================================================*/ 00015 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00016 Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation. 00017 Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, 00018 the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. 00019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00043 #ifndef __vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper_h 00044 #define __vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper_h 00045 00046 #include "vtkRenderingLabelModule.h" // For export macro 00047 #include "vtkLabeledDataMapper.h" 00048 00049 class vtkTree; 00050 class vtkPoints; 00051 class vtkCoordinate; 00052 class vtkFloatArray; 00053 class vtkStringArray; 00054 class vtkIdList; 00055 00056 class VTKRENDERINGLABEL_EXPORT vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper : public vtkLabeledDataMapper 00057 { 00058 public: 00059 static vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper *New(); 00060 vtkTypeMacro(vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper,vtkLabeledDataMapper); 00061 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); 00062 00064 00065 virtual void RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport* viewport, vtkActor2D* actor); 00066 virtual void RenderOverlay(vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor); 00068 00070 virtual vtkTree *GetInputTree(); 00071 00073 virtual void SetRectanglesArrayName(const char* name); 00074 00076 00079 vtkGetMacro(ClipTextMode, int); 00080 vtkSetMacro(ClipTextMode, int); 00082 00084 00085 vtkGetMacro(ChildMotion, int); 00086 vtkSetMacro(ChildMotion, int); 00088 00090 00091 vtkGetMacro(DynamicLevel, int); 00092 vtkSetMacro(DynamicLevel, int); 00094 00096 virtual void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *); 00097 00099 00100 void SetFontSizeRange(int maxSize, int minSize, int delta=4); 00101 void GetFontSizeRange(int range[3]); 00103 00105 00107 void SetLevelRange(int startLevel, int endLevel); 00108 void GetLevelRange(int range[2]); 00110 00111 protected: 00112 vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper(); 00113 ~vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper(); 00114 void LabelTree(vtkTree *tree, vtkFloatArray *boxInfo, 00115 vtkDataArray *numericData, vtkStringArray *stringData, 00116 int activeComp, int numComps); 00117 void GetVertexLabel(vtkIdType vertex, vtkDataArray *numericData, 00118 vtkStringArray *stringData, int activeComp, int numComps, 00119 char *string); 00120 void UpdateFontSizes(); 00121 int UpdateWindowInfo(vtkViewport *viewport); 00122 int GetStringSize(char *string, int level); 00123 // Returns 1 if the transformed box is off screen 00124 int ConvertToDC(float *origBoxInfo, float *newBoxInfo); 00125 // Returns 1 if the label will not fit in box - 2 if the text could 00126 // not be placed due to other labels 00127 int AnalyseLabel(char * string, int level, float *blimitsDC, 00128 float *textPosWC, 00129 vtkTextProperty **tprop); 00130 int ApplyMasks(int level, float flimits[4], float blimits[4]); 00131 vtkViewport *CurrentViewPort; 00132 int *FontHeights; 00133 int **FontWidths; 00134 int MaxFontLevel; 00135 int *ChildrenCount; 00136 int MaxTreeLevels; 00137 double BoxTrans[2][2]; 00138 double WindowLimits[2][2]; 00139 //BTX 00140 float (*LabelMasks)[4]; 00141 //ETX 00142 vtkIdList *VertexList; 00143 vtkPoints *TextPoints; 00144 vtkCoordinate *VCoord; 00145 int ClipTextMode; 00146 int ChildMotion; 00147 int StartLevel; 00148 int EndLevel; 00149 int DynamicLevel; 00150 vtkTextProperty *VerticalLabelProperty; 00151 vtkTextProperty **HLabelProperties; 00152 00153 private: 00154 vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper(const vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper&); // Not implemented. 00155 void operator=(const vtkLabeledTreeMapDataMapper&); // Not implemented. 00156 }; 00157 00158 00159 #endif