00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Visualization Toolkit 00004 Module: vtkColorTransferFunction.h 00005 00006 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen 00007 All rights reserved. 00008 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. 00009 00010 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00011 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00012 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. 00013 00014 =========================================================================*/ 00041 #ifndef vtkColorTransferFunction_h 00042 #define vtkColorTransferFunction_h 00043 00044 #include "vtkRenderingCoreModule.h" // For export macro 00045 #include "vtkScalarsToColors.h" 00046 00047 class vtkColorTransferFunctionInternals; 00048 00049 #define VTK_CTF_RGB 0 00050 #define VTK_CTF_HSV 1 00051 #define VTK_CTF_LAB 2 00052 #define VTK_CTF_DIVERGING 3 00053 00054 #define VTK_CTF_LINEAR 0 00055 #define VTK_CTF_LOG10 1 00056 00057 class VTKRENDERINGCORE_EXPORT vtkColorTransferFunction : public vtkScalarsToColors 00058 { 00059 public: 00060 static vtkColorTransferFunction *New(); 00061 vtkTypeMacro(vtkColorTransferFunction,vtkScalarsToColors); 00062 void DeepCopy( vtkScalarsToColors *f ); 00063 void ShallowCopy( vtkColorTransferFunction *f ); 00064 00066 void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); 00067 00069 int GetSize(); 00070 00072 00076 int AddRGBPoint( double x, double r, double g, double b ); 00077 int AddRGBPoint( double x, double r, double g, double b, 00078 double midpoint, double sharpness ); 00079 int AddHSVPoint( double x, double h, double s, double v ); 00080 int AddHSVPoint( double x, double h, double s, double v, 00081 double midpoint, double sharpness ); 00082 int RemovePoint( double x ); 00084 00086 00087 void AddRGBSegment( double x1, double r1, double g1, double b1, 00088 double x2, double r2, double g2, double b2 ); 00089 void AddHSVSegment( double x1, double h1, double s1, double v1, 00090 double x2, double h2, double s2, double v2 ); 00092 00094 void RemoveAllPoints(); 00095 00097 00098 double *GetColor(double x) { 00099 return vtkScalarsToColors::GetColor(x); } 00100 void GetColor(double x, double rgb[3]); 00102 00104 00105 double GetRedValue( double x ); 00106 double GetGreenValue( double x ); 00107 double GetBlueValue( double x ); 00109 00111 00113 int GetNodeValue( int index, double val[6] ); 00114 int SetNodeValue( int index, double val[6] ); 00116 00118 virtual unsigned char *MapValue(double v); 00119 00121 00122 vtkGetVector2Macro( Range, double ); 00124 00127 int AdjustRange(double range[2]); 00128 00130 00133 void GetTable( double x1, double x2, int n, double* table ); 00134 void GetTable( double x1, double x2, int n, float* table ); 00135 const unsigned char *GetTable( double x1, double x2, int n ); 00137 00145 void BuildFunctionFromTable( double x1, double x2, int size, double *table ); 00146 00148 00153 vtkSetClampMacro( Clamping, int, 0, 1 ); 00154 vtkGetMacro( Clamping, int ); 00155 vtkBooleanMacro( Clamping, int ); 00157 00159 00166 vtkSetClampMacro( ColorSpace, int, VTK_CTF_RGB, VTK_CTF_DIVERGING ); 00167 void SetColorSpaceToRGB(){this->SetColorSpace(VTK_CTF_RGB);}; 00168 void SetColorSpaceToHSV(){this->SetColorSpace(VTK_CTF_HSV);}; 00169 void SetColorSpaceToLab(){this->SetColorSpace(VTK_CTF_LAB);}; 00170 void SetColorSpaceToDiverging(){this->SetColorSpace(VTK_CTF_DIVERGING);} 00171 vtkGetMacro( ColorSpace, int ); 00172 vtkSetMacro(HSVWrap, int); 00173 vtkGetMacro(HSVWrap, int); 00174 vtkBooleanMacro(HSVWrap, int); 00176 00178 00181 vtkSetMacro(Scale,int); 00182 void SetScaleToLinear() { this->SetScale(VTK_CTF_LINEAR); }; 00183 void SetScaleToLog10() { this->SetScale(VTK_CTF_LOG10); }; 00184 vtkGetMacro(Scale,int); 00186 00188 00190 vtkSetVector3Macro(NanColor, double); 00191 vtkGetVector3Macro(NanColor, double); 00193 00195 00197 vtkSetVector3Macro(BelowRangeColor, double); 00198 vtkGetVector3Macro(BelowRangeColor, double); 00200 00202 00203 vtkSetMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int); 00204 vtkGetMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int); 00205 vtkBooleanMacro(UseBelowRangeColor, int); 00207 00209 00211 vtkSetVector3Macro(AboveRangeColor, double); 00212 vtkGetVector3Macro(AboveRangeColor, double); 00214 00216 00217 vtkSetMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int); 00218 vtkGetMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int); 00219 vtkBooleanMacro(UseAboveRangeColor, int); 00221 00227 double* GetDataPointer(); 00228 00232 void FillFromDataPointer(int n, double* ptr); 00233 00235 00236 virtual void MapScalarsThroughTable2(void *input, unsigned char *output, 00237 int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, 00238 int inputIncrement, int outputIncrement); 00240 00242 00244 vtkSetMacro(AllowDuplicateScalars, int); 00245 vtkGetMacro(AllowDuplicateScalars, int); 00246 vtkBooleanMacro(AllowDuplicateScalars, int); 00248 00250 virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfAvailableColors(); 00251 00255 virtual void GetIndexedColor(vtkIdType idx, double rgba[4]); 00256 00257 protected: 00258 vtkColorTransferFunction(); 00259 ~vtkColorTransferFunction(); 00260 00261 vtkColorTransferFunctionInternals *Internal; 00262 00266 int Clamping; 00267 00269 int ColorSpace; 00270 00272 int HSVWrap; 00273 00275 int Scale; 00276 00278 double NanColor[3]; 00279 00281 double BelowRangeColor[3]; 00282 00284 int UseBelowRangeColor; 00285 00287 double AboveRangeColor[3]; 00288 00290 int UseAboveRangeColor; 00291 00293 double* Function; 00294 00296 double Range[2]; 00297 00299 unsigned char UnsignedCharRGBAValue[4]; 00300 00303 int AllowDuplicateScalars; 00304 00305 vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; 00306 unsigned char *Table; 00307 00310 int TableSize; 00311 00313 00315 virtual void SetRange(double, double) {} 00316 void SetRange(double rng[2]) {this->SetRange(rng[0],rng[1]);}; 00318 00321 void SortAndUpdateRange(); 00322 00325 bool UpdateRange(); 00326 00329 void MovePoint(double oldX, double newX); 00330 00331 private: 00332 vtkColorTransferFunction(const vtkColorTransferFunction&); // Not implemented. 00333 void operator=(const vtkColorTransferFunction&); // Not implemented. 00334 }; 00335 00336 #endif