Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
00004   Module:    vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro.h
00006   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
00007   All rights reserved.
00008   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
00010      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
00011      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
00012      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
00014 =========================================================================*/
00078 #ifndef vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro_h
00079 #define vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro_h
00081 #include "vtkDataArrayTemplate.h" // For all classes referred to in the macro
00082 #include "vtkSetGet.h" // For vtkTemplateMacro
00084 // Silence 'unused typedef' warnings on newer GCC.
00085 // use of the typedef in question depends on the macro
00086 // argument _call and thus should not be removed.
00087 #if defined(__GNUC__)
00088 #define _vtkDAIMUnused __attribute__ ((unused))
00089 #else
00090 #define _vtkDAIMUnused
00091 #endif
00093 #define vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro(_array, _call)                           \
00094   vtkTemplateMacro(                                                        \
00095     vtkAbstractArray *_aa(_array);                                         \
00096     if (vtkDataArrayTemplate<VTK_TT> *_dat =                               \
00097         vtkDataArrayTemplate<VTK_TT>::FastDownCast(_aa))                   \
00098       {                                                                    \
00099       typedef VTK_TT vtkDAValueType;                                       \
00100       typedef vtkDataArrayTemplate<vtkDAValueType> vtkDAContainerType;     \
00101       typedef vtkDAContainerType::Iterator vtkDAIteratorType;              \
00102       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDABegin(_dat->Begin());                         \
00103       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDAEnd(_dat->End());                             \
00104       (void)vtkDABegin; /* Prevent warnings when unused */                 \
00105       (void)vtkDAEnd;                                                      \
00106       _call;                                                               \
00107       }                                                                    \
00108     else if (vtkTypedDataArray<VTK_TT> *_tda =                             \
00109              vtkTypedDataArray<VTK_TT>::FastDownCast(_aa))                 \
00110       {                                                                    \
00111       typedef VTK_TT vtkDAValueType;                                       \
00112       typedef vtkTypedDataArray<vtkDAValueType> vtkDAContainerType;        \
00113       typedef vtkDAContainerType::Iterator vtkDAIteratorType;              \
00114       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDABegin(_tda->Begin());                         \
00115       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDAEnd(_tda->End());                             \
00116       (void)vtkDABegin;                                                    \
00117       (void)vtkDAEnd;                                                      \
00118       _call;                                                               \
00119       }                                                                    \
00120     else                                                                   \
00121       {                                                                    \
00122       /* This is not ideal, as no explicit iterator has been declared.     \
00123        * Cast the void pointer and hope for the best! */                   \
00124       typedef VTK_TT vtkDAValueType;                                       \
00125       typedef vtkAbstractArray vtkDAContainerType _vtkDAIMUnused;          \
00126       typedef vtkDAValueType* vtkDAIteratorType;                           \
00127       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDABegin =                                       \
00128         static_cast<vtkDAIteratorType>(_aa->GetVoidPointer(0));            \
00129       vtkDAIteratorType vtkDAEnd = vtkDABegin + _aa->GetMaxId() + 1;       \
00130       (void)vtkDABegin;                                                    \
00131       (void)vtkDAEnd;                                                      \
00132       _call;                                                               \
00133       }                                                                    \
00134     )
00136 #endif //vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro_h
00138 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro.h