Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
00004   Module:    vtkMetaImageReader.h
00006   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
00007   All rights reserved.
00008   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
00010      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
00011      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
00012      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
00014 =========================================================================*/
00065 #ifndef vtkMetaImageReader2_h
00066 #define vtkMetaImageReader2_h
00068 #include "vtkIOImageModule.h" // For export macro
00069 #include "vtkImageReader2.h"
00071 //BTX
00072 namespace vtkmetaio { class MetaImage; } // forward declaration
00073 //ETX
00075 class VTKIOIMAGE_EXPORT vtkMetaImageReader : public vtkImageReader2
00076 {
00077 public:
00078   vtkTypeMacro(vtkMetaImageReader,vtkImageReader2);
00079   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
00082   static vtkMetaImageReader *New();
00084   virtual const char * GetFileExtensions()
00085     { return ".mhd .mha"; }
00087   virtual const char * GetDescriptiveName()
00088     { return "MetaIO Library: MetaImage"; }
00090   // These duplicate functions in vtkImageReader2, vtkMedicalImageReader.
00091   double * GetPixelSpacing()
00092     { return this->GetDataSpacing(); }
00093   int GetWidth()
00094     { return (this->GetDataExtent()[1] - this->GetDataExtent()[0] + 1); }
00095   int GetHeight()
00096     { return (this->GetDataExtent()[3] - this->GetDataExtent()[2] + 1); }
00097   double * GetImagePositionPatient()
00098     { return this->GetDataOrigin(); }
00099   int GetNumberOfComponents()
00100     { return this->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); }
00101   int GetPixelRepresentation()
00102     { return this->GetDataScalarType(); }
00103   int GetDataByteOrder(void);
00105   vtkGetMacro(RescaleSlope, double);
00106   vtkGetMacro(RescaleOffset, double);
00107   vtkGetMacro(BitsAllocated, int);
00108   vtkGetStringMacro(DistanceUnits);
00109   vtkGetStringMacro(AnatomicalOrientation);
00110   vtkGetMacro(GantryAngle, double);
00111   vtkGetStringMacro(PatientName);
00112   vtkGetStringMacro(PatientID);
00113   vtkGetStringMacro(Date);
00114   vtkGetStringMacro(Series);
00115   vtkGetStringMacro(ImageNumber);
00116   vtkGetStringMacro(Modality);
00117   vtkGetStringMacro(StudyID);
00118   vtkGetStringMacro(StudyUID);
00119   vtkGetStringMacro(TransferSyntaxUID);
00122   virtual int CanReadFile(const char* name);
00124 protected:
00125   vtkMetaImageReader();
00126   ~vtkMetaImageReader();
00128   // These functions make no sense for this (or most) file readers
00129   // and should be hidden from the user...but then the getsettest fails.
00130   /*virtual void SetFilePrefix(const char * arg)
00131     { vtkImageReader2::SetFilePrefix(arg); }
00132   virtual void SetFilePattern(const char * arg)
00133     { vtkImageReader2::SetFilePattern(arg); }
00134   virtual void SetDataScalarType(int type)
00135     { vtkImageReader2::SetDataScalarType(type); }
00136   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToFloat()
00137     { this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_FLOAT); }
00138   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToDouble()
00139     { this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_DOUBLE); }
00140   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToInt()
00141     { this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_INT); }
00142   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToShort()
00143     { this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_SHORT); }
00144   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort()
00145     {this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT);}
00146   virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar()
00147     {this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR);}
00148   vtkSetMacro(NumberOfScalarComponents, int);
00149   vtkSetVector6Macro(DataExtent, int);
00150   vtkSetMacro(FileDimensionality, int);
00151   vtkSetVector3Macro(DataSpacing, double);
00152   vtkSetVector3Macro(DataOrigin, double);
00153   vtkSetMacro(HeaderSize, unsigned long);
00154   unsigned long GetHeaderSize(unsigned long)
00155     { return 0; }
00156   virtual void SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian()
00157     { this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian(); }
00158   virtual void SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian()
00159     { this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian(); }
00160   virtual void SetDataByteOrder(int order)
00161     { this->SetDataByteOrder(order); }
00162   vtkSetMacro(FileNameSliceOffset,int);
00163   vtkSetMacro(FileNameSliceSpacing,int);
00164   vtkSetMacro(SwapBytes, int);
00165   virtual int OpenFile()
00166     { return vtkImageReader2::OpenFile(); }
00167   virtual void SeekFile(int i, int j, int k)
00168     { vtkImageReader2::SeekFile(i, j, k); }
00169   vtkSetMacro(FileLowerLeft, int);
00170   virtual void ComputeInternalFileName(int slice)
00171     { vtkImageReader2::ComputeInternalFileName(slice); }
00172   vtkGetStringMacro(InternalFileName)
00173   const char * GetDataByteOrderAsString(void)
00174     { return vtkImageReader2::GetDataByteOrderAsString(); }
00175   unsigned long GetHeaderSize(void)
00176     { return vtkImageReader2::GetHeaderSize(); }*/
00178   void ExecuteInformation();
00179   void ExecuteDataWithInformation(vtkDataObject *out, vtkInformation *outInfo);
00180   virtual int RequestInformation(vtkInformation * request,
00181                          vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,
00182                          vtkInformationVector * outputVector);
00184 private:
00185   vtkMetaImageReader(const vtkMetaImageReader&);  // Not implemented.
00186   void operator=(const vtkMetaImageReader&);  // Not implemented.
00188 //BTX
00189   vtkmetaio::MetaImage *MetaImagePtr;
00190 //ETX
00192   double GantryAngle;
00193   char PatientName[255];
00194   char PatientID[255];
00195   char Date[255];
00196   char Series[255];
00197   char Study[255];
00198   char ImageNumber[255];
00199   char Modality[255];
00200   char StudyID[255];
00201   char StudyUID[255];
00202   char TransferSyntaxUID[255];
00204   double RescaleSlope;
00205   double RescaleOffset;
00206   int BitsAllocated;
00207   char DistanceUnits[255];
00208   char AnatomicalOrientation[255];
00209 };
00211 #endif