Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
00004   Module:    vtkPixelTransfer.h
00006   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
00007   All rights reserved.
00008   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
00010      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
00011      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
00012      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
00014 =========================================================================*/
00030 #ifndef vtkPixelTransfer_h
00031 #define vtkPixelTransfer_h
00033 #include "vtkRenderingLICModule.h" // for export
00034 #include "vtkSetGet.h" // for macros
00035 #include "vtkPixelExtent.h" // for pixel extent
00036 #include <cstring> // for memcpy
00038 class VTKRENDERINGLIC_EXPORT vtkPixelTransfer
00039 {
00040 public:
00041   vtkPixelTransfer(){}
00042   ~vtkPixelTransfer(){}
00047   static
00048   int Blit(
00049          const vtkPixelExtent &ext,
00050          int nComps,
00051          int srcType,
00052          void *srcData,
00053          int destType,
00054          void *destData);
00060   static
00061   int Blit(
00062          const vtkPixelExtent &srcWhole,
00063          const vtkPixelExtent &srcSubset,
00064          const vtkPixelExtent &destWhole,
00065          const vtkPixelExtent &destSubset,
00066          int nSrcComps,
00067          int srcType,
00068          void *srcData,
00069          int nDestComps,
00070          int destType,
00071          void *destData);
00076   template<typename SOURCE_TYPE, typename DEST_TYPE>
00077   static
00078   int Blit(
00079          const vtkPixelExtent &srcWhole,
00080          const vtkPixelExtent &srcSubset,
00081          const vtkPixelExtent &destWhole,
00082          const vtkPixelExtent &destSubset,
00083          int nSrcComps,
00084          SOURCE_TYPE *srcData,
00085          int nDestComps,
00086          DEST_TYPE *destData);
00089 private:
00090   // distpatch helper for vtk data type enum
00091   template<typename SOURCE_TYPE>
00092   static
00093   int Blit(
00094          const vtkPixelExtent &srcWhole,
00095          const vtkPixelExtent &srcSubset,
00096          const vtkPixelExtent &destWhole,
00097          const vtkPixelExtent &destSubset,
00098          int nSrcComps,
00099          SOURCE_TYPE *srcData,
00100          int nDestComps,
00101          int destType,
00102          void *destData);
00103 };
00105 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00106 inline
00107 int vtkPixelTransfer::Blit(
00108          const vtkPixelExtent &ext,
00109          int nComps,
00110          int srcType,
00111          void *srcData,
00112          int destType,
00113          void *destData)
00114 {
00115   return vtkPixelTransfer::Blit(
00116         ext,
00117         ext,
00118         ext,
00119         ext,
00120         nComps,
00121         srcType,
00122         srcData,
00123         nComps,
00124         destType,
00125         destData);
00126 }
00129 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00130 template<typename SOURCE_TYPE>
00131 int vtkPixelTransfer::Blit(
00132        const vtkPixelExtent &srcWholeExt,
00133        const vtkPixelExtent &srcExt,
00134        const vtkPixelExtent &destWholeExt,
00135        const vtkPixelExtent &destExt,
00136        int nSrcComps,
00137        SOURCE_TYPE *srcData,
00138        int nDestComps,
00139        int destType,
00140        void *destData)
00141 {
00142   // second layer of dispatch
00143   switch(destType)
00144     {
00145     vtkTemplateMacro(
00146         return vtkPixelTransfer::Blit(
00147             srcWholeExt,
00148             srcExt,
00149             destWholeExt,
00150             destExt,
00151             nSrcComps,
00152             srcData,
00153             nDestComps,
00154             (VTK_TT*)destData););
00155     }
00156   return 0;
00157 }
00159 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00160 template<typename SOURCE_TYPE, typename DEST_TYPE>
00161 int vtkPixelTransfer::Blit(
00162        const vtkPixelExtent &srcWholeExt,
00163        const vtkPixelExtent &srcSubset,
00164        const vtkPixelExtent &destWholeExt,
00165        const vtkPixelExtent &destSubset,
00166        int nSrcComps,
00167        SOURCE_TYPE *srcData,
00168        int nDestComps,
00169        DEST_TYPE *destData)
00170 {
00171   if ( (srcData == NULL) || (destData == NULL) )
00172     {
00173     return -1;
00174     }
00175   if ( (srcWholeExt == srcSubset)
00176     && (destWholeExt == destSubset)
00177     && (nSrcComps == nDestComps) )
00178     {
00179     // buffers are contiguous
00180     size_t n = srcWholeExt.Size()*nSrcComps;
00181     for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
00182       {
00183       destData[i] = static_cast<DEST_TYPE>(srcData[i]);
00184       }
00185     }
00186   else
00187     {
00188     // buffers are not contiguous
00189     int tmp[2];
00191     // get the dimensions of the arrays
00192     srcWholeExt.Size(tmp);
00193     int swnx = tmp[0];
00195     destWholeExt.Size(tmp);
00196     int dwnx = tmp[0];
00198     // move from logical extent to memory extent
00199     vtkPixelExtent srcExt(srcSubset);
00200     srcExt.Shift(srcWholeExt);
00202     vtkPixelExtent destExt(destSubset);
00203     destExt.Shift(destWholeExt);
00205     // get size of sub-set to copy (it's the same in src and dest)
00206     int nxny[2];
00207     srcExt.Size(nxny);
00209     // use smaller ncomps for loop index to avoid reading/writing
00210     // invalid mem
00211     int nCopyComps = nSrcComps < nDestComps ? nSrcComps : nDestComps;
00213     for (int j=0; j<nxny[1]; ++j)
00214       {
00215       int sjj = swnx*(srcExt[2]+j)+srcExt[0];
00216       int djj = dwnx*(destExt[2]+j)+destExt[0];
00217       for (int i=0; i<nxny[0]; ++i)
00218         {
00219         int sidx = nSrcComps*(sjj+i);
00220         int didx = nDestComps*(djj+i);
00221         // copy values from source
00222         for (int p=0; p<nCopyComps; ++p)
00223           {
00224           destData[didx+p] = static_cast<DEST_TYPE>(srcData[sidx+p]);
00225           }
00226         // ensure all dest comps are initialized
00227         for (int p=nCopyComps; p<nDestComps; ++p)
00228           {
00229           destData[didx+p] = static_cast<DEST_TYPE>(0);
00230           }
00231         }
00232       }
00233     }
00234   return 0;
00235 }
00237 ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const vtkPixelTransfer &gt);
00239 #endif
00240 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkPixelTransfer.h