[vtk-developers] Possible bug in vtkDataSetMapper?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu_r at users.sf.net
Sat Sep 1 04:55:26 EDT 2007


I just ran into an issue and am not sure if I'm doing something wrong
or if it is a VTK bug.  Attached is a simple Python script that uses
standard VTKData to demonstrate the problem.

To summarize the issue, I have some data in a VTK XML file
(multicomb_1.vts).  There are two scalar data arrays (named
StagnationEnergy and Density).  The data is viewed using a
vtkDataSetMapper.  If I change the active scalar, the mapper does not
seem to update to show the new data.  If you look at the output of:

print m.GetPolyDataMapper().GetInput().GetPointData().GetScalars().GetName()

You get "StagnationEnergy" and not "Density" as it should be.  I am
vtk version 5.1.0, vtk source $Revision: 1.2785 $, $Date: 2007/05/29 09:26:33 $ (GMT)

Is this a bug or am I just doing something wrong?

Thanks for any clarification.


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