[vtk-developers] KEYS_TO_COPY

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Mon Jun 15 10:35:58 EDT 2009

You most definitely should not get rid of it. It is there so that
filters/custom filters can ask the executive to copy certain keys
upstream or downstream. vtkExecutive uses it. There may not be any
filters in VTK that uses this feature but it is the only way to
propagate custom keys without overwriting all executives. I think
vtkCompositeDataPipeline use to use KEYS_TO_COPY() when it used custom
keys and we supported mixing vtkCompositeDataPipeline with


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 5:15 AM, John Biddiscombe<biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> After setting numerous breakpoints, I conclude that the KEYS_TO_COPY is
> never set to anything and so I'd like to ask
> why is it still there? Shall I get rid of it?
> JB
>> I'm doing some work on the executives to try to fix time handling and I
>> can't find where the KEYS_TO_COPY() is populated.
>> Can anyone tell me where the default keys are placed in this vector as I
>> would like to inspect them and possibly add something.
>> JB
> --
> John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
> http://www.cscs.ch/
> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
> Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
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