[vtk-developers] pulling hooks

David Doria daviddoria+vtk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 15:27:15 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:00 PM, David Doria <daviddoria+vtk at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a VTK branch on github. When I tried to push to it, I got this:
> Paste the following commands into a shell:
>  cd "/home/doriad/src/GraphConversions/.git/hooks"
>  git init
>  git pull .. remotes/origin/hooks
>  cd ../..
> When I tried to do that, I got:
> [doriad at localhost hooks]$ git pull .. remote/origin/hooks
> fatal: Couldn't find remote ref remote/origin/hooks
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> I suspect this is because origin is github not vtk.org. I tried a few
> this like this:
> git pull git://vtk.org/VTK.git git://vtk.org/VTK.git/remotes/origin/hooks
> but they all gave the same error. Can someone explain how to get the
> hooks into a branch that is not from vtk.org?
> Thanks,
> David

I guess the problem is that the 'hooks' branch is automatically
downloaded when one clones VTK.git (so if you clone from github, it is
not included). How would you point directly to the hooks branch in the
pull command?

Something like this:
git pull .. git://vtk.org/VTK.git/hooks

(but that doesn't work)


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