[vtk-developers] building w/ sip, Qt error
Randy Heiland
heiland at indiana.edu
Wed Aug 25 10:06:06 EDT 2010
Reverting to Qt 4.6.3 did seem to resolve the problem.
On Aug 23, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Clinton Stimpson wrote:
> I wonder if PyQt is known to work with that version of Qt.
> Would you be able to try a Qt 4.6.X?
> Clint
> On Monday, August 23, 2010 12:08:33 pm Randy Heiland wrote:
>> Following up, in verbose mode, I see that it *is* doing the "-t QT_4_7_0":
>> cd /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/GUISupport/Qt &&
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/sip -c
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/GUISupport/Qt -t WS_MACX -t
>> Qt_4_7_0 -I
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/share/sip/PyQt4
>> -I /Users/heiland/Documents/workspace2/VTK-git/VTK/GUISupport/Qt -I
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/Rendering -I
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/Filtering -I
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/Common -I
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/Views
>> /Users/heiland/dev/vtk-build/vtk-git-8-22-10/GUISupport/Qt/QVTKPython.sip
>> sip: QFileIconProvider is undefined
>> I tried to insert some additional -I paths (to those I mentioned below),
>> but still the same error.
>> -Randy
>> On Aug 23, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Randy Heiland wrote:
>>> Actually, I misspoke - I guess cmake automagically sets the SIP_PYQT_DIR
>>> to be the path that you listed. I ran things again and got the same
>>> QFileIconProvider undefined error. I also tried setting this cmake
>>> keyword to one of the these:
>>> SIP_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers
>>> SIP_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/include/QtGui
>>> SIP_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/include
>>> and get the same undefined error. Googling, I see something about
>>> needing a "-t" flag to sip(?) to specify the version of Qt (I'm trying
>>> out the 4.7 beta). Wasn't sure if that was buried somewhere in cmake or
>>> not. I'm going to attempt a verbose build now...
>>> -Randy
>>> On Aug 22, 2010, at 12:01 PM, <vtk-developers-request at vtk.org> wrote:
>>>> Message: 2
>>>> Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 19:18:14 -0600
>>>> From: Clinton Stimpson <clinton at elemtech.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [vtk-developers] building w/ sip, Qt errors
>>>> To: vtk-developers at vtk.org
>>>> Message-ID: <4C707AD6.3070506 at elemtech.com>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>>> Shouldn't you have this?
>>>> SIP_PYQT_DIR:PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2
>>>> .6/share/sip/PyQt4
>>>> Its not complaining about the C++ header from your Qt installation. The
>>>> error is coming from .sip files.
>>>> Clint
>>>> On 08/21/2010 05:52 PM, Randy Heiland wrote:
>>>>> Trying to build recent git (8/20/10) w/ sip: -DVTK_USE_QT=ON
>>>>> -DSIP_EXECUTABLE=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/
>>>>> 2.6/bin/sip ...
>>>>> and get the following compile error:
>>>>> [ 90%] Built target QVTK
>>>>> [ 90%] Generating sipQVTKPythonQVTKWidget.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonQVTKInteractor.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonQVTKInteractorAdapter.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonvtkQtAbstractModelAdapter.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonvtkQtAnnotationLayersModelAdapter.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonvtkQtTableModelAdapter.cpp,
>>>>> sipQVTKPythonvtkQtTreeModelAdapter.cpp, sipQVTKPythoncmodule.cpp sip:
>>>>> QFileIconProvider is undefined
>>>>> make[2]: *** [GUISupport/Qt/sipQVTKPythonQVTKWidget.cpp] Error 1
>>>>> make[1]: *** [GUISupport/Qt/CMakeFiles/QVTKPython.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>> in my cmakecache:
>>>>> QT_QTGUI_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/include/QtGui
>>>>> SIP_PYQT_DIR:PATH=/Users/heiland/dev/Python/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.7.4/sip
>>>>> and indeed I have:
>>>>> -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 31 Aug 19 17:30
>>>>> /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0/include/QtGui/QFileIconProvider
>>>>> ls /Users/heiland/dev/Python/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.7.4/sip
>>>>> Qt/ QtDesigner/ QtMultimedia/ QtScript/ QtSvg/
>>>>> QtXml/ pyqt-gpl.sip QtAssistant/ QtGui/
>>>>> QtNetwork/ QtScriptTools/ QtTest/ QtXmlPatterns/ QtCore/
>>>>> QtHelp/ QtOpenGL/ QtSql/ QtWebKit/
>>>>> phonon/
>>>>> Also have env var:
>>>>> QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.0
>>>>> Saw the thread at
>>>>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.vtk.user/50529 but unsure of
>>>>> definite solution. I've built Qt 4.7.0beta2 from source.
>>>>> thanks, Randy
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