[vtk-developers] Templated filters
David Gobbi
david.gobbi at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 16:52:44 EST 2010
Ahem. I'm lazy so here is a quote that I snipped from wikipedia.
"Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a logical
fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively
presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or
ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say."
That is all.
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com> wrote:
> The success or failure of a system, along with its
> virtues and defects must be evaluated on the context
> of what the software is intended to do.
> ITK is not a visualization library.
> ITK is intended to manage MEDICAL IMAGES
> These images do not have pictures of dogs in a backyard,
> nor are videos of dancing cats posted in Youtube.
> The images that ITK has been designed and built to manage,
> have tumors that are in the liver of a real person, they are
> mamograms showing calcifications that may indicate a
> breast tumor. They are CT scans that have plaque in the
> arteries of a person who may have a heart attack tomorrow.
> They are images of small animals used for testing
> experimental drugs.
> Storing that mamogram in an image of 8-bits may be very
> convenient and dandy for your lab purposes, and maybe for
> publishing more useless papers in any of the Irreproducible
> Journals and Conferences that some communities still tolerate,
> but that but will prevent a radiologist from seeing the calcifications,
> and may result in sending a woman home with a diagnosis that
> "everything is fine" while thousands of tumor cells are replicating.
> There IS a reason why CT scans
> are stored in 16-bits per pixel.
> There IS a reason why mamograms
> are stored in 16-bits.
> Types in ITK are not an inconvenience,
> they are a necessity.
> It will be unwise to feed the laziness of developers and
> allowed them to make stupid and irresponsible mistakes
> with people's medical data by allowing them to cast images
> from one type to another without even having to reflect on
> why they are doing it.
> Wrapping in ITK is a convenience, not a necessity.
> Wrapping is desirable in ITK for doing:
> A) Rapid prototyping, and
> B) Teaching
> It is in that context that we can evaluate whether
> the system satisfy its purpose, and how it can
> be improved in the future.
> Luis
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:51 PM, David Gobbi <david.gobbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> My opinion of of ITK's use of templates is that it is a bit overdone.
>> I prefer limiting templates to static methods and simple helper
>> classes. In ITK, generic programming has been used as a sledgehammer.
>> All the programs that I write are visualization applications that have
>> to be ready to take any data type that the user throws at them, so any
>> use of ITK means instantiating the templates over all relevant types.
>> I like that in VTK, all of this is already done for me.
>> Back on topic, though, I think that an automatic method of wrapping
>> VTK around ITK classes would be wonderful. I'm working with an MSc
>> student right now on a vaguely similar project... we are trying to use
>> a modified WrapITK to generate visual Simulink blocks for all the ITK
>> classes. Right now we have manually generated Simulink blocks for a
>> large number of ITK classes, and all are type-specific.
>> David
>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> I agree with both Will and you. ITK wrapping has been a failure.
>>> Successful use of ITK inside VTK is done by wrapping ITK into VTK
>>> classes. We call the vtkITK classes and have done this successfully
>>> over the years. However, the wrapping has been done manually.
>>> As for templates, I disagree with Will. I think it makes the algorithm
>>> code more readable and promotes generic programming. I wish VTK were
>>> more like ITK...
>>> I do like ITK's use of templating even though it inhibits wrapping. I
>>> wish VTK could make more use of templates, but as we know, wrapping
>>> inhibits this. I really don't miss writing tcl code. I prefer C++
>>> these days for both VTK and ITK.
>>> Bill
>>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:02 PM, David Gobbi <david.gobbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Will,
>>>> I'm sure this has come up before, but it seems like an ideal way to
>>>> provide a typeless layer for ITK is to wrap ITK into a collection of
>>>> VTK classes.
>>>> One issue with any typeless layer for ITK is that it will be almost as
>>>> big as the ITK wrappers. The weight comes from instantiating all
>>>> those templates. VTK's image filters have the advantage that only the
>>>> Execute methods are templated.
>>>> In any case, I hope that the ITK typeless layer will resolve types via
>>>> virtual method calls, rather than by the huge switch statements that
>>>> VTK uses.
>>>> David
>>>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Will Schroeder
>>>> <will.schroeder at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>> ITK provides an interesting case study w.r.t wrapping.
>>>>> When the project began 11 years ago, the designers went extreme and jumped
>>>>> headlong into templating. While the system is very successful overall, the
>>>>> use of wrapping IMO has been a failure. There are a lot of reasons, but a
>>>>> few that stand out are
>>>>> 1) somebody somewhere has to decide which templates are to be instantiated,
>>>>> in ITK we generally choose many native types (e.g., char, short, long,
>>>>> float, double, etc.) and 2 and 3 dimensions. When wrapped this created
>>>>> massive libraries.
>>>>> 2) the wrapped classes end up having awful names reflecting their
>>>>> instantiation choices, e.g. itkOtsuThresholdImageCalculatorUS3 (US3 meaning
>>>>> unsigned short, 3 dimensions).
>>>>> 3) the resulting "scripts" (e.g., in python) ended up being specific to an
>>>>> instantiation, e.g., a script would specifically handle a type and dimension
>>>>> (unless the script was manually unrolled to handle multiple permutations of
>>>>> template parameters).
>>>>> 4) Some users found templates hard to understand and use.
>>>>> I have heard a lot of criticisms of ITK (as well as many compliments of
>>>>> course) but the one that sticks with me was "I like ITK except I wish it was
>>>>> VTK".
>>>>> And very recently, the National Library of Medicine is in the middle of
>>>>> awarding a RFQ to create the next generation ITK v4. One of the major
>>>>> requests by the NLM is to create a "typeless" layer akin to VTK so that
>>>>> users can write applications where they don't have to worry about type and
>>>>> instantiations quite as much.
>>>>> Will
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Timothy M. Shead <tshead at sandia.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> Berk Geveci wrote:
>>>>>>> There are some other exceptions (for which we don't have a solution
>>>>>>> for wrapping). See the new array classes vtkTypedArray,
>>>>>>> vtkSparseArray, vtkDenseArray. My expectation that these classes will
>>>>>>> never be wrapped.
>>>>>> This may be just be me, but my hope is that we can come-up with a
>>>>>> more-flexible wrapping mechanism to handle these sorts of special-cases. As
>>>>>> a real-world example, I've used Boost.Python to wrap templated container
>>>>>> classes for other projects.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Tim
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