[vtk-developers] Bug in vtkContourRepresentation introduced in recent changes

Arnaud GELAS arnaud_gelas at hms.harvard.edu
Tue Nov 30 15:26:18 EST 2010

Hi Robert,

This is a simplified version of what we are using.

If you run the test with the previous version it will succeed, with this 
one it fails.

The line:


is responsible of it! If you remove it, it works the same as previously...

Another way I found to solve the problem is to update the slice before 
regenerating one contour, but in practice we can not keep on updating 
actors to make these contours...

Thoughts, Recommendations?


On 11/30/2010 10:30 AM, Robert Maynard wrote:
> Hi Arnaud,
> Would it be possible for you to create a small test that can expose 
> this bug for me? I will look at fixing this issue asap.
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Arnaud GELAS 
> <arnaud_gelas at hms.harvard.edu <mailto:arnaud_gelas at hms.harvard.edu>> 
> wrote:
>     Hi Robert,
>     In our application, one user can make contours with a
>     vtkContourWigdet in 3D images on 2D slices in axis aligned direction.
>     We store the location of the control points in a Database. When
>     reloading the scene, we get control points for each contour, use
>     vtkContourWidget to generate a vtkPolyData, and we add the
>     corresponding actor in the scene.
>     Everything was working fine! But recent changes have change the
>     behaviour of the widget...
>     You can see on the attached images the difference.
>     The change appears with this commit:
>     https://github.com/Kitware/VTK/commit/0c0265ceb97ba874bacf1cfed6941d3a4fa44676
>     By reverting this commit with the current version on master, it
>     works again!
>     Can this commit be reverted?
>     Or could we work on a solution to fix this one in VTK for the
>     upcoming release (this is really critical for us)?
>     Thanks,
>     Arnaud
> -- 
> Robert Maynard

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